"Leper Affinity"....meaning....!!!...any ideas...??


New Metal Member
Apr 19, 2005
Im really interested in tha tsong...currently learnin it....also im interested in its lyrics...waht is teh osng bout...and what does the line...

coem Erotic communion in its spoelkndor mean....???.....Id appreaceit the feedback fellas.....Keep rockin........PEAC EOUT
blimey said:
........PEAC EOUT.....!!!!!!!!!!....

ah.....so Leper Affinity mneans....PEAC EOUT...??......cool I didnt knwo that my sign off was a comprehensive summation of an Opeth's song......PEAC EOUT
steel102 said:
probably jacked from some obscure 70's prog band.

i mean what does teh hwole song mean.....??.......that was my question........Id appreciate if someone can desipher teh lyrcis..........PEAC EOUT

I don't mind the spelling, but try to start every word iwth hte ocrrecet rlete taleast. tIts abtou necorhpilai....pEACEO UT!!
Ahahahah, pwnd by Waz. That's awesome.

The song seems basically about a psychotic, thoughts of rape/sex and murder intertwining and racing around his head. Lots of dark and morbid imagery. Personally, i would not look too closely in hope of finding a story in the lyrics, because i do not think there is one. The lyrics are there to convey a sense, a feeling, a mood. Sure, they connect with each other, but only as a series of related statements.

Oh, and "come erotic communion in its splendour" is one of those annoying lines that in proper english would be the first part of a sentence, but does make some sense if you bend english a bit. 'Erotic communion' is sex (nice word choice, used to imply that this guy reveres sex, considering it a form of sacrament), and after it has happened (it has 'come'...the 'in its splendour' just means that he thinks of it as splendid) he is in a state of rest ("saving strength now"), talking in hushed tones ("faint whispers"). Again, interpreting this line does not reveal any hidden story to you...it just helps to show how conjoined in his head sex and murder/death are, as in many psychotics heads they are.
or more literally, a bunch of lepers are like, "we're all gonna die soon, lets have a big orgy". But thats just taking it too far.
waz416c said:
ah.....so Leper Affinity mneans....PEAC EOUT...??......cool I didnt knwo that my sign off was a comprehensive summation of an Opeth's song......PEAC EOUT

....lolz...!!!....you have n0 idea the strenght or ur signg...!!!!...!!!..........PEAC EOUT