Let me know how this sounds....

I'd bring up the guitars some. That might inject some life into them that they are lacking right now. If not, they could probably use a small boost around 5khz to give them just a slight bit more crunch/clarity in the high end.
I dig this alot. Reminds me of Alice in Chains actually. I can tell the singer likes him whether he knows it or not haha.

The guitars sound like they were done with condensers to me. Slightly smooth and distant sounding, but maybe that's what you were going for? That's the only thing I'd change. Great job!
Cool, thanks for all the comments guys. The guitars I will definitely mess with a bit and see if I can improve anything. I am the guitar player in the band, so engineering myself and mixing the album is as far from objective as possible I guess!

The guitar chain was a 71 Les Paul Recording through a Boogie IIC+, miked with a 57 and a beta 57A. (2 tracks per take, triple tracked through most of the song) TC G-System and a Phase 90 for the few effects.

Thanks again!
More tunes to be had at http://www.sittinidol.com