Let me know what you think of my most recent attempt...


Ultimate Meatbag
Sep 2, 2001
Spokane, WA
It's something I made up on the fly (only 20 sec's long), so the music isn't the most badass or anything.
I am kinda satisfied with the results, as it is better than anything else I have done, mix-wise.
Let me know what you think.


Ibanez RG (Stock IBZ/USA pups)
M-Audio Delta 66 (x2)
PC (Dual core AMD, 1.8GHz, 2Gb Ram)
Nuendo 3
Amplitube 2.0
Drumkit From Hell EZ Drummer
Waves plugins
Didn't put any chorus on it...the only thing I could think of that related to what you were talking about was that the velocities on the double kicks were lower than the singles, so I raised them to match.

Ok...I changed some stuff.

Drumagog-blended Andy's Nevermore TGE Kicks in
Lowered the gain on Amplitube from 5 to 2 (I wasn't using a whole lot of gain in the first place)
Fucked with the eq's on each drum track a bit more....once again, thanks Mendel.