Let me share this with you: MORTON - Weeping Bell (our new official videoclip)

Max Morton

Sep 21, 2008
UA, Kyiv
Hey mates!
I'm so glad to present you our new video!
On this forum, we share tips and samples, we discuss mixes and gear, we collaborate and help each other. It's a team work! It has influenced me so much since I first posted here several years ago, long before MORTON. So, I won't feel complete until I post it here:

Thank you very much!
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Everything about it is great. It's one of these productions where you simply listen to the actual music instead of trying to analyze the production aspects. It's interesting throughout the whole song and the video production is just perfect! Thank you for your post, I appreciate it a lot.
Thanks mates!
Nuno, it's been a while since my debut EP. We've released a full length album and one single since then. It's our third videoclip and I'm about to begin the recording of the second full-length. I fear it's gonna be even more "un-canonic", so to say:)
Awesome production as usual! totally dig your mixingstyle, especially the drums

I don't get why you sing that deep in this song though...doesn't sound natural to me, like if you had to make your voice fit or something.
If it is for the song and the concept then I get that, I still think it doesn't sound that good. Your timbre seems to lie a bit higher ;)
even reminds me of that melodyne function where you can alter the color of the voice for building backing tracks...dunno how the funtion is called tho

awesome riffs at the 2nd half of the song haha
nice video too!

I have to say i really like everything about it but if i had to say something it would back up what mago said above; i was watching and hoping youd get higher hahacause i really like your voice in that other range.

Either way great job as always.
I agree with Mago about the voice. I noticed that also, you sound like count dracula!lol Sounds a bit forced. Doesnt fit quite well IMO, a higher octave would be good. But choices are choices. But I like the new musical direction.
Awesome production as usual! totally dig your mixingstyle, especially the drums

I don't get why you sing that deep in this song though...doesn't sound natural to me, like if you had to make your voice fit or something.
If it is for the song and the concept then I get that, I still think it doesn't sound that good. Your timbre seems to lie a bit higher ;)
even reminds me of that melodyne function where you can alter the color of the voice for building backing tracks...dunno how the funtion is called tho

awesome riffs at the 2nd half of the song haha
nice video too!

I couldn't agree more with all of this

Its only because you're such a good singer that you actually make it work singing in that register. Personally, it doesn't sound "right" to me but its an artistic choice and I guess maybe a bit of a thematic one so I totally respect it and as I said, you manage to make it work although I feel your way more convincing in your mid and upper ranges :)

Other than that ... flawless production dude
Thank you for your comments, gentlemen!
Being honest, at first it made me a bit upset to realize that my singing manner in this particular song sounds unnatural or strange to many of you. What a hell, it feels completely natural to me, and I expected anything but this to be mentioned!:) In fact, I re-sang the whole song because for me the album version felt lifeless and unnatural.
Anyway, after a while, I thought that it's good to know how things are perceived from the independent point of view. A bit like that, I believe:)))

The upcoming album will have lots of upper-mids and ultra-highs, I promise:) It will also include lots of unexpected stuff and I will do my best to make it sound natural and laconic:)


P.S: damn, it's my natural manner, I just can't accept the "strangeness" of it:)
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again, for my part ... I think its because you're a great singer and have a great tone to your voice that you were able to make this work. If it felt great for you, thats all that matters anyway because I'm pretty sure anyone who listens to it digs it

I also hope you don't think anyone only expect upper mids and ultra highs out of you ... you have a fantastic mid range .. very full sounding and it resonates

Just cause the very low / deep thing didn't go over like you expected (here anyway) doesn't mean its bad or doesn't work. I took it more as a thematic choice given the nature of the video

still killer dude!
lol at the vid. Are you kdg man there's no reason you should feel dissapointed; in fact i couldnt say it any better than our beloved viking, but i think you should know that although its important to see what others have to say sometimes it helps to go with your gut and let the listeners follow you - your vision can grow on others

As for the important things to mention , as i said, i wont repeat the post above but i agree with every word.
Viking, Rispsira, I'm grateful for your support!
That's exactly what I do - you can't make music sincerely (and do it good) following someone's ideals. We should listen to our inner voice.
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW--- Cant believe i've miss this!!!! What a great band and sound!! man... you rule!!! Come to Argentina any time for a Gig!!!
this style of music is pretty far from the stuff I listen too, but I can't deny that the song, production and video are perfectly executed. Must've taken a lot of work, great job man.
Yeah sounds super awesome and the video is looking really good. Although i agree with some comments about your voice, i don't like that howling deep sounding thing you do, seems a bit forced, like you are imitating someone instead of using your own voice. But non the less super good work!
What a surprise to see this thread come to life!
HUGE thanks everyone!

domingooo: We definitely will in the future:) It takes time though. This year we supported Doro, and we'll perform in Belgium with Therion in August. Two more years, and we'll be touring.

Glenn Fricker: You're so right. It actually took all my time and effort last year, to plan, finance and implement the project. And that's why it goes so slow with the second album. Could not even begin in 2012.
Things went wrong many times, and the final result turned out to be worse then I expected. But we did it! And it was my very first serious work on video editing. Good thing I earned some experience on guitar videos!
I'm pleased to see your comment here. The very first time I recorded live drums back in 2008 (or so), your tutorials were my only guide. And since then it's my favorite part of tracking process:)

crillemannen: Thanks man. Perhaps, what people are saying about the singing manner, does reflect the reality. While it feels natural for me, it is probably too theatrical to deepen the voice that much. You know, it's like listening to Sad Wings Of Destiny, where Halford sang Dreamer Deceiver in a deep chesty voice. It felt a bit strange (still loving it:) ).
Speaking about the production, I rerecorded most of the instruments for this video version, and re-sang it. On one side, I wanted to improve things, and production is indeed a step forward from the album. On the other side, I did not really want the recording label to claim their rights on this video, since they did not really give a shit and offered nothing, but numerous youtube copyright claims for my own songs.
So, since I only gave them rights to the exact master-recordings, the videoclip version belongs to us :heh: :fu: I gave it to them, but I owe them nothing.
