Let's all e-fellate Bruce Dickinson - Chemical Wedding

Lies and Perfidy

Gentleman of the Road
Nov 27, 2002
Washington, Washing-Ton
So I've listened to The Chemical Wedding just about daily for the past couple weeks, and it's occuring to me that this is an utterly fucking incredible album. Really, a lot of Bruce's solo stuff was pretty lame, and then Accident of Birth came out; that would've been a satisfactory moment of glory. But no, because he's Bruce Bruce, he followed it up with possibly the single heaviest pure metal album of all time.

Thus, I make this thread for the discussion of this retardedly good album, and any other of Mr. Dickinson's solo stuff which equals the ownage. Seriously, I cannot stress enough how great this album is, and how just about EVERYONE should like it–the sheer heaviness should appeal to the death and grindcore fans, the fact that it's Bruce Fucking Dickinson will easily snare the classic metal fans, the catchy melodies and great production is tailor-made for modern metal fans, and there's more than enough riffs on this baby for even a dedicated thrash metal terrorist like myself or the Lethal dudes.

So. Listen. Worship.

And while we're at it, anyone wanna take a shot at discussing the incredibly obscure concept behind this album? I know it has something to do with the works of William Blake, and that the lyrics to "Jerusalem" (mind-bogglingly good ballad) are basically cribbed from the Blake poem of the same name, but that's all I got.
His vocal work on Killing Floor owns me. Jerusalem is a beautiful ballad. The album is pretty much consistent all the way through...yeah, it's pretty damn good.
I almost agree with that notion, but "Piece Of Mind" and "Seventh Son" are just too damn good. That said, I still think the first two Maiden albums are the best.
WRONG, Bruce-era Maiden stuff is fucking amazing. Powerslave = metal Jesus or something. I don't know, shitty analogy. Leave me alone, I'm stoned.

I remain unimpressed by the first two Maiden albums. I mean, they're good and all, but just not comparable to the glory-era stuff.
I was arguing in here? o_O

EDIT: Oh, Reuben, you're wrong. And your name makes me hungry. I wish I had some corn beef, sauerkraut and rye bread... :erk:
Well, I said the first two Maiden albums weren't as good as the next five, and then I figured just in case I wanted to argue with you about it or vice versa, I'd win the argument right away by pointing out that Grimace was on your side.

FUCK, NOW I'M HUNGRY! You fucking oil-slurping camel jockey, I'll get you for this!