lets be honest shall we?

i have always sold myself as honest to everyone its the thing i think is differant about me than everyone else in this industry i spew the truth even when it hurts.
so sometimes i have to ask myself how honest i am being and right now is one of those times.is the rapture radio thing worth all of the effort everyone is putting into it and am i fooling myself by thinking it can/will take off.
the station is doing decent about 73 hours of listning time in november so far and about 75 in the same time period of october so 148 listning hours in one month is not bad however the emails,forum responce has not been stellar.
what is it keeping people from coming here?
we have had a shitload of hits on the webpage about 735 hits in a month i would say not to bad.
but why the lack of emai/forum responce?
can anyone help me out on this i mean all 3 of youi who post here 2 of which i speak to everyday...........
why is this happening im going crazy trying to figure it out!
As with anything, it should take some time.
wes here on nessa'a puter agin (oh i like her puter ......he he!)
so yeah bro i know time is the key i am the most impatient person ever i am highly drivin and we need as many listners as possible,just to get the music out there heard,i stated this station really hoping for a strong home base here in oklahoma city just because this town is so starved for metal.
and the listning time in okc is oki just want this to be big for all of us this isnt about personal gain by any means at all i want to offer the best music station on the nety with no politics and brutal honesty and most importantly awesome music!
Wes, if you need a virtual hosting for your website, let me know, I can host it for you for free.
wesjaques said:
dude that would be awesome!does that include a domain name?
Naw, you're gonna have to pay for a domain name. They're pretty cheap nowadays. If I find some chump change underneathe the couch, maybe I could register the domain for ya. ;)


Like $8.95/year?