Lets start brainstorming best albums of 2012

Yes it's only November 3 and we still have 2 more months of releases to come out that we know will slay, such as Zuul - To The Frontlines. But lets start making a list of some of the best albums of 2012 because im sure there are some we all forgot about or cant remember if they came out this year or last year. ANd lets not use reissues, brand spankin new albums.

So im going to start it off with a few that i thought were great and will be making my tops list this year.

Hellwell - Beyond the Boundaries of Sin
Jess and the Ancients Ones - s/t
Altar of Oblivion - Grand Gesture of Defiance
Attic - s/t demo/ep
Dragonforce - The Power Within
Trial - The Primordial Temple
Air Raid - Danger Ahead EP
Witch Mountain - Cauldron of the Wild
Haven't heard too much from this year but here's some stuff I liked:

Ravensire - Iron Will EP (outstanding epic metal from portugal)
Wrathblade - Into the Netherworld's Realm
Razorwyre - Another Dimension
Hellwell - Beyond the Boundaries of Sin
Procession - Death and Judgement EP
Hrom - Queen of Steel EP

Striker "Armed to the Teeth" has some great moments and the production is killer but they've lost a lot of their USPM balls they had when they first got rolling. Newest Angel Witch is pretty cool.

Really looking forward to the upcoming Atlantean Kodex, Borrowed Time and Solstice releases.
I'll try to put these in some kind of order.

Dawnbringer - Into the Lair of the Sun God is far and away my favorite of the year so far.

These are ones I've heard and like:

Altar of Oblivion
Angel Witch
Christian Mistress
Earthen Grave
Grand Magus
Hour of 13
Pale Divine

Amazing EP:
Orodruin - In Doom

Great demos:
Apostle of Solitude

As much of an Argus fan as I am, I'm not too big on Blood, Fire, Beer EP. The new song is killer but I don't like the covers that much. And the live songs are good, but it doesn't stack up to In Doom.

See there is one that totally slipped my mine when i put this up, Dawnbringer.
Right now...

#1 Witchcraft - Legend
#2 Graveyard - Lights Out

Jess and the Ancient Ones - S/T
Superchrist - Holy Shit
Beardfish - The Void
Horisont - Second Assault
Opus Symbiosis - Nature's Choir
Unisonic - S/T
Air Raid - Danger Ahead

Need to give some more listens but had a good first impression:
Candlemass - Psalms of the Dead
The Sword - Apocryphon
Andromeda - Manifest Tyranny

Still need to check out:
Hour of 13
Orden Ogan
in no order......

Demon - Unchained
Attic - self titled EP
Superchrist - Holy Shit
Obsession - Order of Chaos
Angel Witch - As Above, So Below
Tygers of Pan Tang - Ambush
Dawnbringer - Into the Lair of the Sun God
Unisonic - self titled
Air Raid - Danger Ahead EP
Running Wild - Shadowmaker

the new Grave Digger is decent. Not near as good as the last few but still worth getting.

In defence of Running Wild = Shadowmaker. it is a pretty good album. I think people were expecting a return to "Gates of Purgatory" and "Branded and Exiled". Those days are decades old and gone. This is pretty much like the last few so you should have known what to expect.

Still waiting for the new Zuul and Cauldron this year.
This year's been very, very weak IMO, especially compared to 2011 which was one of the strongest years in recent memory. I listen to my 2011 favorites more than just about anything in the past 5 years.

That said, in no particular order...

Hour of 13
Jess and the Ancient Ones
Circle of Ouroborus
Dead Can Dance
I didnt even bother from all those GREAT reviews I heard about each ;)

Seriously, hear the Hellwell. My album of the year and im sure itll be topping alot of people's list.

I heard some Hellwell tunes. I def wanna get it.

For the record I plan on getting the grave digger too.
Just seems there is so little talk.
Maybe that lame video hurt them more than helping.
I heard some Hellwell tunes. I def wanna get it.

For the record I plan on getting the grave digger too.
Just seems there is so little talk.
Maybe that lame video hurt them more than helping.

Hellwell is amazing, definitely going to be my top release of 2012 unless Attic - The INvocation will be able to nudge it out ;)

I have some of the limited High Roller deluxe editions of Hellwell in my distro, just sayin ;)