lets talk about lynyrd skynyrd

There was a time when I felt if I heard another Skynyrd song I would lose it. Around here back in the 70's it was nearly all anybody played at parties and I was into other music then. Now its nostalgic I guess. Theres one song Im partial too but I cant think of the name, its got a bit of a swing feel to it... "I know a little" maybe. Simple Man had a connection, good music I liked them all at first but talk about over played, Skynyrd was beat harder to death than the plane crash itself.
I heard that one of the band members crawled from the plane wreckage to find help and had to drag himself through an alligator infested swamp and dense bushland. After several miles he found a farm house, but when he approached the owner shot him on site because he thought he was an intruder.
I actually like them a hell of a lot. I mean, I don't have any of their records, but they're a really good band. I feel that they're like Metallica or Slayer, a band that gets flak for being completely meatheaded when they're a lot more cerebral than they get credit for. They have sick, precise grooves that far outshine The Allmans IMHO. Also, 'Sweet Home Alabama' was a joke. They weren't being particularly serious.

Also, the band that calls themselves "Lynyrd Skynyrd" today is awful and should die in a plane crash. They're a lot less cerebral than they get credit for, and they don't get credit for being remotely cerebral. They give such a bad name to the dignified work of the original Skynryd. At least St. Anger was made by most of the same people who made Kill 'Em All, new Skynyrd is like if you slapped the Metallica name on a Devil Wears Prada record. Seriously.
i like all skynyrd. i know a lot of people who like the post plane crash skynyrd more than the 70's version. when they had medlocke, JVZ,hughie, and 3 70's members they were great. gary, ricky, JVZ and cartellone have been together for over a decade. thats longer than any lineup from the original version.

anyways anyone else buy THYRTY? great overview of the band with an unreleased blues medley from the original skynyrd. a few questionable song choices but a good attempt to pick at least 1 song from every studio and live album plus skynyrds first...and last, legend, boxset and collectybles.
I heard that one of the band members crawled from the plane wreckage to find help and had to drag himself through an alligator infested swamp and dense bushland. After several miles he found a farm house, but when he approached the owner shot him on site because he thought he was an intruder.

you serious ?
you serious ?

it was artimus pyle that made it to the farm house or what not. some people say he was shot and other reports say a gun was drawn and he was told the police would be called. no one ever confirmed if he actually got shot
i like all skynyrd. i know a lot of people who like the post plane crash skynyrd more than the 70's version. when they had medlocke, JVZ,hughie, and 3 70's members they were great. gary, ricky, JVZ and cartellone have been together for over a decade. thats longer than any lineup from the original version.

anyways anyone else buy THYRTY? great overview of the band with an unreleased blues medley from the original skynyrd. a few questionable song choices but a good attempt to pick at least 1 song from every studio and live album plus skynyrds first...and last, legend, boxset and collectybles.

The new music is Glenn Beck set to cheesy-ass emo jams. They can exist for a thousand eternities and they'll still be an insult to everything that was ever remotely good about Lynyrd Skynyrd. :D
Emo, modern pop-rock, modern country-pop-rock. All the same thing to me. I am viciously derisive of modern music. Point is they sound like they could have debuted yesterday... which shows either a complete disregard for artistic integrity (jumping on whatever's current), or preposterously bad taste (by wanting to sound like that for a reason other than to cash-in). :)
Emo, modern pop-rock, modern country-pop-rock. All the same thing to me. I am viciously derisive of modern music. Point is they sound like they could have debuted yesterday... which shows either a complete disregard for artistic integrity (jumping on whatever's current), or preposterously bad taste (by wanting to sound like that for a reason other than to cash-in). :)

some of their stuff sounds modern and some doesn't. the old skynyrd some sounded country and some sounded like radio rock. no big deal. skynyrd never sounded emo though
Yes, they sounded like radio rock during one of the periods when radio rock sounded decent. To me, the difference between good and bad is a big deal. :D

I'm just breaking balls, man. Some of their instrumentations aren't half bad, but I find their lyrics more disturbing than any death metal or GG Allin songs.
it was artimus pyle that made it to the farm house or what not. some people say he was shot and other reports say a gun was drawn and he was told the police would be called. no one ever confirmed if he actually got shot

From http://www.kieran.keegan.btinternet.co.uk/Skynyrd/artimus_pyle_bio.htm:

Artimus was one of the members of the band aboard their Convair plane when it crashed into a swamp outside McComb, Mississippi on October 20 1977. Arti recalled that Ronnie, on realising there was "a problem" started to make toward the back of the passenger compartment. He gave Artimus the hippy handshake, and rolled his eyes, evidently not realising the seriousness of the situation.

Once the plane had been downed into the swamp, Pyle knew that if help didn't come they would probably all die.

"My friends were bleeding and dying. I didn't think about it, I just took off running"... Artimus Pyle

Pyle had numerous wounds from the crash including broken ribs as he ran for help. It is important to remember his bravery - he had to negotiate two to three feet of swamp water, infested with snakes and alligators in pitch darkness. Eventually, Artimus spotted a farmhouse in the distance, and made for it. The farmer, Johnny Mote, saw a bloodied Pyle charging towards him, looking like Charles Manson. Unsurprisingly, Mote assumed himself to be under attack, and so he shot Pyle in the shoulder. It wasn't until Pyle could say the words "plane crash" that Mote began to realise what had happened.