Lets talk speakers


Den Mørke Natt
Oct 22, 2008
Sacramento, CA
For the longest time I have struggled with my guitar tone, only cabinet I have ever recorded with, my g-flex 212. no matter what amp or mic I use the result is the same, harsh uneven tone.

I have really grown a hate on for GBE 1240-V75 that are in that cab. Wen you try to look them up, you can't really find anything. GB says they are made in england (but they are made by eminence, a US company). Some idiots compare it to the v30 but I think they are the based on the 75's. Either way they sound like shit, every micing setup its the same, eq doesn't help

So if they are based on the 75's. What the hell do the 75's sound so god damned bad? Absolutely useless! I am debating just swapping them out for v30's since that would be cheaper than buying a new cabinet, but I have absolutely nothing to spend at the moment.

So experienced speaker users tell me, how do the v30's compare?
The 75s in my Uberkab sound great with a 421 on them, but I would never use them on their own. Always end up with a v30 in the mix.

And I think they sound great in the room when paired with a v30.

Maybe just grab a v30 first, and try it mixed?
here is a quick set of clips I have thrown together. Doesn't sound bad but as the leads come in it turns to a muddy harsh mix. When I write with orchestras, lead guitar parts can't be heard, fuck with headroom, and add sharp piercing noise. Its also not very deep sounding, it doesn't have much weight and just has an overall uneven sound.

no eq http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1170463/75's suck no eq.mp3
bandpass (90-13K) http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1170463/75's suck bandpass.mp3
BP + EQ http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1170463/75's suck BP and EQ.mp3

-3db, .5Q @ 300, -3db, .5Q @2.8K

ported seems to do nothing more than add excessive low end below the lowest fundamental and does nothing when mic'd. I would much rather have a traditional, non-"flexed" non-ported cloth grill cab
But it's a closed cab, right? Glenn or someone else on here bought a new Mesa box (closed) but it didn't sound right until he tightened the screws on the back
Never tried the GBE 1240-V75, but I'd either go with 2 V30s or 1 V30 + 1GT75 or possibly 1 V30 + 1 K100 (which has been touted as the new super-amazing speaker for metal).
dude, having the G flex I know what you mean about the speakers. They sound a little wierd miced, not bad but just not incredible. I really do like the cab though, and i think if you put in some K100s into it or some V30s your sound will be much better miced. I think the current speakers sound better miced with an i5. Also if you're down to drop some real coin but like to experiment, check out maybe putting in EV 12Ls. I will say that had to be my favorite metal speaker I have ever heard. They're pricy but super clean and tight. They are not well represented on the net though. Here's one of the only good sound comparisons I've found with them.


I hope it helps man. Good luck.
