Letter From Chuck's Mom to Human

oscar drummer1

drummer forever
Mar 27, 2005
new jersey
Go to www.humanband.net for more information and to view.

"Oscar Drummer recently had the opportunity to contact Chuck Schuldiner's Mom. He sent her a letter explaining his feelings about Chuck, his philosophy and his band. Oscar never thought that she would respond but she did. Her response was a very remarkable and touching moment for Oscar. Below is his letter to Chuck's Mom and her grateful response.
Thank you Ms. Schuldiner.".


Dear Ms. Schuldiner:

I would like to start this latter by letting you know how wonderful of an opportunity this has been, to be able to write this letter to you from the bottom of my heart. This opportunity has been made possible only by Yvonne, who has been a great person too. Before I start to tell you a little bit about how much the band, DEATH, and your incredible son influenced my life, I would like to mention the wonderful tribute that I have made in your son's honor. I started the tribute to your son a couple of years ago and it is still up and going. I am truly proud of what has come of the tribute; it has honestly been a dream come true, and in same way I feel that through this tribute I have had a chance to fulfill a frustrated dream, a dream that never came true, the chance to record a record with the genius CHUCK SCHULDINER. It's crazy how big of a fan I am of the band DEATH. I hope you will get a chance to visit my website www.humanband.net and see every detail that I have put into it.

I would like to intruduce my self, my name is Oscar Rojas Fleming. I come from Chile in South America and I am the drummer in the tribute to your son that I created. Now I wish to tell you a little bit about my life. When I was 14 years old, my best friend let me borrow the individual thought patterns (1993). This experience was one that changed my life and my music taste. I could not believe what was going on: the rhythm, the sound of all the instruments, the musical composition--his musical philosophy. From that moment on I got to know the band, DEATH, very well. I started to buy every DEATH cd, and every DEATH cd touched me in a different phase of my life. I was thinking, even when I was a child, that probably he was an example of a humble person, very down-to-earth, that he lived his life according to his philosophical style and knowledge. His songs were very philosophical and inspiring. I still listen to his records, because they are pieces of art and remind me of my childhood.

That is why I'm writing this letter so hopefully one day you will be able see the admiring tribute to your son through my web page. It has truely been an honor being able to write you of how much your son has inspired my life. I can't imagine how proud you are of your son, because I'm sure I'm not the only fan around the world that remembers him all the time. I know that he is in a better place. Thank you for this opportunity.

sincerely and gratefully,
Oscar Rojas Fleming (from chile)


----- Original Message -----
From: Jane Schuldiner
To: oscar rojas fleming [oflemingr@hotmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2005 17.24 PM
Subject: Oscar

Dear Oscar,

Yvonne brought the wonderful letter you wrote to me and I have read it many times. Chuck truly was a humble person and lived his life as you realize, down-to -earth, with many loyal friends, and he pondered about the wrongs in life and was inspired to put his feelings about them in a song. He was very philosophical and I found him the most interesting person to talk to, we had many conversations about so many topics we were both interested in. I miss that so much. I really don't know anybody else who feels as deeply about things and people as Chuck did. I was speaking to friends of his yesterday and as we spoke about things that Chuck had said and done through the years with family and friends, we said that he was really just Chuck, a nice person whose passion happened to be music, who didn't think he was anything special because of it, and just wanted to share it with as many people as he could. That's why he appealed to so many people all over the world, he said music was the universal language, and I know his lyrics has no age group, his message inspires all ages. Teacher friends have read his lyrics in their classrooms and a book of his lyrics are in a library. And all those things are why he was indeed very, very special.

I have gone on your web page just today and it is one of the two best I have seen. What a wonderful tribute to Chuck it is! I will make sure to visit it regularly. I wrote to Yvonne and told her that I am going to put aside a large amount of time to catch up on the emptywords site and to explore your site thoroughly. I loved the pictures of you and Chuck, and It means a lot to me that you met him. He sure did love his friends and fans, he called them his metal family. And because of him I have the great honor of hearing from so many of you all over the world. Take care, and thank you again for a very special letter that I treasure.

Jane Schuldiner
I also had the honor of speaking with Jane Schuldiner in 2002 shortly after Chuck passed away. She was extremely kind and I did my best to let her know how much Chuck meant to me.