Lies of Smiles - Cross & Claw - For non Ozzy era Sabbath fans

I like this. I thought it reminded me more of Astral Doors than Black Sabbath.

Either way that's quite a compliment in my book!

Hi Zinescene, and its a compliment in my book too! That band sound great, I am going to look up their stuff and buy some! I do see the similarities and probably hard to believe but I have never heard them! Brilliant, well I suppose I am bound to say that if they sound like us, or we sound like them! Great stuff, thanks for that! I would say that we are probably a lot older than Astral Doors!


Davy -

I noticed that you have two CDs, but only one is listed for sale on your website. Is there any way to get a copy of the first CD as well?

I SF Metal Man, yeh there is another, Lies of Smiles was a project I put together with a friend, Ian Gillson, good 2006, its not a bad CD, powerful as is all the stuff Fred Purser produces, Ian played guitar, but also did vocals, we had a great drummer a session player, and Fred stuck a solo on it. I wasn't massively happy with it, it has some good moments, but I think it was a lot for Ian to write, play guitar, play bass, sing but again he is a talented lad, but as Fred said at the time, its one mans songs, with a little input from others. It needs to be a band, so thats what I did for the follow up, not a case of replacing or sacking people, My fault I think, but I put a band together, and the band that did Cross and Claw is a fine band, but singers like Tony and guitar players like Pat O'Neill are hard to find, and of course Mick Tucker my pal from Tank and fellow guitar player from Axis guested on this one!

But definitely a band effort, compared to the first one! The first one was called Truth, Lies and Damnation and if you email me on I will try to sort you a hard copy of it! However it is pretty much ignored on the site.....but I think of this Lies of Smiles as the real I basically ignored it and didnt promote it, it is interesting I guess! maybe!
Hi SF Metal Man.....thanks for your positive comments it means a lot! Yeh I don't see the Sabbath thing myself and Pat our main writer is a Van Halen type of guy, but Tony and myself like Dio Sabbath, and certainly Tony Martin Sabbath, I think he was criminally underated, oh and Jorn and Rainbow........the list goes on! I guess Tower of angels and Fallen Tony and I wrote the lyrics and asked Pat for a thats what we got! Email me

Cheers! :kickass:

I see more Jorn and Rainbow than Sabbath, but anyway you look at it I think it's awesome. An email has been sent. :rock:
I SF Metal Man, yeh there is another, Lies of Smiles was a project I put together with a friend, Ian Gillson, good 2006, its not a bad CD, powerful as is all the stuff Fred Purser produces, Ian played guitar, but also did vocals, we had a great drummer a session player, and Fred stuck a solo on it. I wasn't massively happy with it, it has some good moments, but I think it was a lot for Ian to write, play guitar, play bass, sing but again he is a talented lad, but as Fred said at the time, its one mans songs, with a little input from others. It needs to be a band, so thats what I did for the follow up, not a case of replacing or sacking people, My fault I think, but I put a band together, and the band that did Cross and Claw is a fine band, but singers like Tony and guitar players like Pat O'Neill are hard to find, and of course Mick Tucker my pal from Tank and fellow guitar player from Axis guested on this one!

But definitely a band effort, compared to the first one! The first one was called Truth, Lies and Damnation and if you email me on I will try to sort you a hard copy of it! However it is pretty much ignored on the site.....but I think of this Lies of Smiles as the real I basically ignored it and didnt promote it, it is interesting I guess! maybe!

I'd surely be curious to hear the 1st album as well.

I'm playing Cross & Claw as I type BTW. It's been a while since I listened to it, so your posts made me of putting it in the playlist...

You mention that Mick Tucker from Tank is your buddy. I was wondering what was the singer situation in the band. For me, their best albums are the last 2 ones with Doogie White on vox. I know Doogie kinda bailed on them this summer to tour with Michael Schenker (the cash is surely better doing a big tour than only several gigs) but I surely hope Doogie is still part of the band. Do you know anything about it? Thanks.

I'll be looking forward to the new Lies Of Smiles album in early 2014 then.
I'd surely be curious to hear the 1st album as well.

I'm playing Cross & Claw as I type BTW. It's been a while since I listened to it, so your posts made me of putting it in the playlist...

You mention that Mick Tucker from Tank is your buddy. I was wondering what was the singer situation in the band. For me, their best albums are the last 2 ones with Doogie White on vox. I know Doogie kinda bailed on them this summer to tour with Michael Schenker (the cash is surely better doing a big tour than only several gigs) but I surely hope Doogie is still part of the band. Do you know anything about it? Thanks.

I'll be looking forward to the new Lies Of Smiles album in early 2014 then.

Hi Labrekk

Great to be on the playlist, really! And great to chat!

Yeh Mick and I go way back to the NWOBHM in Axis. In reality I put the first CD together (Truth Lies Dammation) as a way of getting me playing again after the Pauline Gillan Band, and after 12/15 years out of it. But it wasn’t a pleasant experience, so I thought I would just not bother, it was Mick who talked me into the new LOS, and literally give me the line up he thought would work. Pat O’Neill my partner guitar player is Micks Nephew, great player, must run in the family I think.

So we did Cross & Claw as a real band. That was a great experience. Much like the PGB and real band.

Tank have had the Singer in from Dragonforce to cover for Doogie, ZP Theart. Hard to comment on an open forum, I don’t want to upset Mick or Doogie, Mick being my pal, Doogie being someone I have met on occasion..nice guy! I will chat to Mick and see if it is ok to talk about it, safest way is to say I don’t know, however if I was a gambling man and this is only my personal opinion, I can’t see Doogie having that much time..record the CD, then it will be out touring to sell it, but Doogie is such a prolific writer and worker......the ground he covers is incredible, Cornerstone, Empire, Rata Blanca, Demons eye, definitely a sort after singer! I think you summed it up! But I would love to see another Tank CD with Doogie, I loved War Machine and War Nation...great band, great CDS.

Email me your address, the web people may have it on file as they will have dealt with your C&C CD, but it may be an easier option than me trawling through addresses. I may have a couple of “the other one” a mutant child, locked in the cupboard, never to see the light of day! LOL, your opinion may not be so good on this one!