Life north of Boston


Dec 21, 2001
How is life up around Haverhill? I have been living in the same area all my life and need to somehow transition out of there while also staying connected to the rail system. Prices seem about the same as where I am now which makes me wonder if you're a big fucking crackhouse seeing as my hometown doesn't have a neary commuter rail statioon.
Haverhill is actually pretty rad. Lots of cool restaraunts and bars, cheap rent and close to the major highways and NH.

Also home of the
"Haverhill cop, no stop" rule Drive wasted, fast whatever, they don't care, bigger fish to fry I suppose

Also home of half of SOB lol!
I've got to hang out there some more. It's looking more appealing than most locales. Only bitch is it's far enough out to justify keeping a car AND require a commuter rail pass. So you're looking at the cost of living there being the same as pretty much on top of my office. However, it's pretty much marital memory free which is a major fucking selling point.

so uhhh anyone want a roomie? I earn a steady income and cook compulsively when stressed!
Yeah. I'm thinking my semi-dippy plan to look around at places without emotional ties just got shot in the face. My landlord has apparently taken up some really serious shit and welcomed back the piece of shit boyfriend. He's got a history of kicking down tenant's doors as well as stealing from children. So I now need to work with my family, including a property holding aunt, to get everyone out as close to before she has confirmation of losing rent (aka only money for junk she has).