Life sucks cock sometimes


Your favourite Czech
Feb 5, 2002
This morning I learned that one girl I knew had died yesterday, of a brain tumor. She knew she had it coming yet she was very positive and supercool to everybody, she refused the last chemotherapy session because the doctors had told her frankly it ain´t gonna help her anyway. For fuck´s sake, she was eighteen and I always wished for her the strenght to kick the fucking cancer in the ass. She didn´t even make it to the Xmass.
It sucks big time, especially when you know there are a lot of douches who will live happily till their eighties. Sorry if this doesn´t belong here, I just felt the need to spit it out.
Life Sucks ass at times......... Sorry to hear about this, losing someone close to you hurts like a motherfucker. take care bro......
Sorry to hear about this, Johnnie. That really sucks!
I hate cancer.
Hang in there, man.
Sorry bro, hang in there. Life sucks sometimes, it just seems that the worst things happen to the best people, I hate that. Your brothers and sisters here will always be here for ya, don't forget that.
The brightest flame burns quickest. sorry for being cliche'. I lost my best friend several years ago, it's something you never get over. just try and remember the good times. Lost loved ones live on through you.
yeah it sucks man,my uncle has cancer all thru him,he has never smoked or drank in his life,was a very healthy man,he has beaten it so many times but its finally going to get him soon,take it easy mate.
sufferer said:
Sorry bro, hang in there. Life sucks sometimes, it just seems that the worst things happen to the best people, I hate that. Your brothers and sisters here will always be here for ya, don't forget that.
You´re 100% right. Of course I don´t forget that. Thank you.
Brain tumors are a bitch, especially when kids get them. I see this shit all the time. There are some seriously sick kids out there, but they are usually pretty upbeat. We have one kid that comes in quite often. He is 3 or four years old and he has had something like 80 surgeries. He deosn't have a tumor, he has other issues. But he is really a happy little guy. None of us like to see him, 'cuz that means he isn't doing so well, but he is usually smiling and happy to see the people he knows.
