Life Sucks For Me


Oct 11, 2002
FUCK!!!!!!! I just found out i wont be able to make the concert tonight at the grace i'm haveing a family emergancy fuck this sucks big dicks why couldnt aunt judy wait till tommarow to have a fucking heart attack but shit happens and i got to go take care of buisness so my unused ticket will be going into my unused ticket section of my photo album along with slayer,metallica and forced entry
Originally posted by famousamoswillkillyou
At least you have another addition to the unused ticket session... and, maybe Aunt Judy'll be alright...

If I this happened to me, I wouldn't want Aunt Judy to be alright. I'd want her dead. And if she survived the heart attack, I'd kill her afterwards.
Originally posted by Guerrilla
If I this happened to me, I wouldn't want Aunt Judy to be alright. I'd want her dead. And if she survived the heart attack, I'd kill her afterwards.

You know, I used to like Aunt Judy, but this having a heart attack on the day of a Nevermore concert makes me question her integrity.
She secretly spoke to your mother about your listening to devil music, and faked it to make you repent!!! MUAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!
Nevermore play devil's music? :guh: Surprise-surprise. LOL
Deviance: to bad for you, but too bad for the aunt too, not from your point of view probably. :-/ But there will be more Nevermore concerts.... ;)
Well she is ok but this is what pissed me off the most
AUNT JUDY SPEAKING " CHRIS you should have gone to the concert i know you have been waiting for over 2 years to see them and you know i'll be alright GOT A SMOKE" what a bitch she told me i should have gone it's no big deal then she askes me for a smoke after she just had a fucking heart attack fuck yea i gave her the whole pack and i told her next time they come around she's buying me a ticket. she said she would so it's cool now.
Originally posted by DEVIANCE
Well she is ok but this is what pissed me off the most
AUNT JUDY SPEAKING " CHRIS you should have gone to the concert i know you have been waiting for over 2 years to see them and you know i'll be alright GOT A SMOKE" what a bitch she told me i should have gone it's no big deal then she askes me for a smoke after she just had a fucking heart attack fuck yea i gave her the whole pack and i told her next time they come around she's buying me a ticket. she said she would so it's cool now.

Damn, okay, I don't like Aunt Judy anymore.