"lights out" review in polish mega-sin


the crestfallen
Jan 4, 2002
southern Poland
MEGA-SIN #2/2004

the most sinful metal magazine

On the surface "Lights Out" is a full conrast to "Saviour", mainly stressed by changing colours from white to black, but a core of Antimatter music hasn't changed so drastically. It's still calm, often acoustic playing full of sad atmosphere, with adition of excellent vocals, bleak climate and electro-ambient aftertaste. It's neither for fans of Cock&Ball Torture nor mexican Disgorge, but a metalheads-romantics will find an oasis of pleasure in this music. I mean masochistic pleasure of course, because all positive aspects of life doesn't exist in the context of this album. The album is just excellent and if Duncan had been born a bit earlier, who knows, whether Pink Floyd, whose influences one can feel on this album, wouldn't have supported/opened Antimatter gigs, hehe....

Note: it's just more or less "clumsy" translation from polish made by Sopel.