Like Moths to Flames - When We Don't Exist

Tommy Evans

Jul 19, 2011
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Holy shit this album is a breathe of fresh air. Will Putney is making a name for himself (other than "that ass who clipped the Structures album") and I'm diggin it. Anyone else or am I alone?

Does anybody what he uses? Amps/drum wise.
The chorus on "you wont be missed" clips pretty bad. but the toms are AWFUL. listen at 0:20 on "No Hope." they have no body, it sounds like he captured only the sound of the stick hitting the drum head but not the drum sound itself lol. however, the snare is very nice! guitars are different, and i kinda like them, but I'm just so spoiled by Joey and his mixes XD. production is very tight though, must have taken a while to get everything so perfect. I love the CD though, don't get me wrong!
Ryan from For Today is really getting me into Will's stuff.
And in the metal industry I dont know anyone who has better sounding vocals than the stuff coming from the Machine shop
just listened to this band. had been meaning to for a while.. and im thinking hmmm sounds a bit like will, so i googled and it brought me to this thread. i cant get enough of wills stuff!
Will is good. Machine is good. I think machine was a great choice for producer. I think perhaps Will and I might be doing some mixing. But Will is going to be doing the for today album at the same time at Machine Shop. I believe they just got a new building that has 2x control rooms and live rooms.
And chill out with the 'clipping' nazium. I'm sure at this point it's quite fair to say that everything you're hearing is INTENTIONAL by Will. The dude knows his guns and how to kill people with them. KUDOS!