Limehouse Lizzy v Thin Lizzy!


Sep 10, 2002
A stranger in a strange land!
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I see Thin Lizzy are playing the Astoria a few weeks after Limehouse Lizzy play the LA2. Although I have seen both before (including this version of Thin Lizzy), it will be interesting to compare the two bands. You have Thin Lizzy with their two ex members (I assume it is still Scott Gorham and John Sykes). And then you have Limehouse Lizzy, who are all very very good musicians, but also have Phil Lynott reincarnated!

Hmmmmm will be very interesting!
no doubt about it. i went and saw this incarnation of "thin lizzy" a couple of years back and they are an insult to the memory of phil lynott and the bands legendry name. no problem them still playing together or even the songs but not under the lizzy name.
now limehouse lizzy are great.
perhaps sykes and gorham could do worse than getting limehouses singer and tour,
sort of like priest did with ripper.
Yeah I gotta agree with davemc. Its not Thin Lizzy is it. Perhaps if Brian Downy was in the band it would be a bit more easier to swallow, but at the end of the day, No Phil, No Lizzy.
I'd go and see Limehouse every time as the are a genuine tribute and aren't just making money from the name.
I think if Gorham and Sykes got Limehouse's singer and they toured, there would be uproar! As tempting as it is, and as great as it would be, it would go down like a lead balloon! I'm sure people would see it as an insult to the memory of Phil Lynott. Where as Limehouse Lizzy are in it purely for the love of Thin Lizzy. And I'm sure the Limehouse Lizzy singer wouldn't do it anyway.
it was just a thought. but gorham and sykes are milking the lizzy name.
why cant they just go out and use another name.
the answer is MONEY! the lizzy name sells tickets.
Yeah and it is a thought I have had myself! But it would never work though, and would be wrong too I guess.

I'm surprised Gorham and Sykes are allowed to get away with it really, especially with no Brian Downey in there. But I'll still go and see them anyway, but I suspect I'm gonna enjoy Limehouse Lizzy more.
Looking forward to Limehouse Lizzy on saturday, although it seems that they haven't sold many tickets. I got a few tickets last week and it was only at the 130 mark, which is very disappointing. Let's hope that a lot of people just turn up on the night.

I'm not going to Thin Lizzy now, I will be on holiday with some bird I know!
Limehouse Lizzy always go down well when they play in The Springhead pub near me. It usually sells out and the place is heaving. Wayne Ellis is an excellent frontman. However when I saw them play at Bradford Rios on New Year's Eve they didn't sound as good as normal, maybe they just had an off day, all bands are entitled to one. Can't comment on current Thin Lizzy as not seen or heard them.
:hotjump:This may seem blasphmous, but the new Lizzy is quite alright with me (at least the one I saw last year.... although they apparently have another new rhythm section, so that's getting to be a bit much to swallow). I met the band members on two occassions, and they were very friendly and gracious, especially Scott Gorham. Plus, although there was no Phil in sight, the performance was energetic, impassioned, well-delivered, and a plain joy to see and hear. So I can't fault the new lineup there. I was barely even born when "Live And Dangerous" came out, so I was grateful just to see the band in any form at all. I actually was skeptical about Sykes fronting the band instead of Phil, and he is definitely no Phil, but it was still pretty damn good. Brian Downey was obviously missed, but man, Tommy Aldridge played his ass off like few drummers I have ever seen!

Interestingly, I have also seen a local Lizzy tribute band called Vagabond Kings (see on several occasions, and they obviously love the music, and they do about as good a job as you could expect from a tribute band. I guess I feel the same way about the "new" Lizzy: they may not be the original, but both bands, in my opinion, do about the best one could expect.
By the way, I heard Gorham and Sykes are thinkin of recording together. That would be very cool to hear, but that's also where I would draw the line on using the Lizzy name. They should do it under some other nam, but I hope they do put out an album.:Spin:
Please excuse my spelling mistakes above. Bad spellers of the world, untie! By the way, the Lizzy tribute band I mentioned used to be called Trouble Boys (and Black Rose before that). Anyway, the current Thin Lizzy may not be the same musical experience as the original, but as far as second-generation bands go, I think it's safe to say they beat the pants off O/D Saxon!
Limehouse Lizzy were superb on saturday. It was great to see them on a big stage (well bigger then they are used to anyway!). Great sound and all the songs were spot on, they really couldn't have played them any better.

The LA2 was about half full, not bad I suppose considering Whitesnake were playing Wembley the same night.

It was a good vocal crowd, but things got a bit silly during the first encore (Killer on the loose) when a moshpit formed and things were getting out of hand. Wayne Ellis stopped the song and said "I don't have any of that stuff at my gigs", and that was that! Good on ya Wayne!

A great night, and definitely one of the best gigs I have been to this year.