Limiter No6 - free mastering tool


Apr 19, 2009
Just found this today and I did a bit of searching here and didn't find a mention of it, so here it is.


I just tried it and it seems pretty good. Would love to get some of your opinions on it. Cheers!
Heh, I forgot about this one.
I tried it when it was in beta (or was it alpha even? I have no clue). It was good and very cool for those that like to finetune everything to their exact demands. Transparent too.
For me it worked best when using every stage VERY lightly (I think that's what the author recommended too). I'm not sure why I stopped using it tbh.
I absolutely recommend trying this one unless you are already completely set on your limiter. And even then, it wouldn't hurt to try!
I tried this out a couple times and ended up not using it.

But, this thing is a BEAST! I know with a little more time to get accustomed with it, it may turn into one of my favorite limiters. I love tweaking shit haha