Line 6 HD147


Aug 5, 2003
hey guys, i've been checking out the HD147 for some while now and got a chance to play it for a couple of minutes at the local guitar store and it sounded fucking sweet. it also seems to be a good choice if you're switching between different sounds which i do since i play in a metallica cover band..

so, does anyone own it? is it any good at all?
i'ts good cause it has the features of a rack but alot simpler for gigging!
I don't actually own the HD, but I fucking love it! I used to go to the local music store and sit down in front of that beast for like two hours, and just jam out. I am working on saving for it...I have yet to find an amp that can do more than Line 6 products. And as for the distortion on the HD, I fell in love the first time I used it. It is by far the most amazing head solid state head I have ever played on, and it's a pretty decent price too!
yeah, in sweden it costs some cash, it's cheaper to buy a 5150, but i never get that brutal thrash distorsion with one of them as i get with the HD, i'll probably order it from germany which is cheaper
I'd agree with you if you said the 5150 can't do Fender cleans. But metal distortion? That's what it was made for apparently (even EVH knows that's not his tone lol).

Just get a decent tube head and build around that. IMO, getting all that shit in one big modeling box is gonna cost you the day you want to get rid of it. Why go for modeling if you can afford the real thing? It's not like you're gonna need 50 different tones for a Metallica cover band.
no it's not, but i need to switch between very good cleans and very good distorsions, and 2 soloounds, one for soloing over clean and one for soloing over the loud shit
And you think the modeling amps do everything really well? You're in for a disappointment... Not even the Vettas, much less the HD147.

What is your budget? For less than a HD147 you could get a great used tube amp and a couple of pedals and be done with it.
i know they dont do everything really well man, but as i said, i neen to switch between different sounds no matter what you say and i dont wanna build a fucking rack
i am willing to pay bout 1500 Euros for a great fucking amp, and right now only the line6 can give me what i want for those cash, i just wanted to hear from other users when i created this thread, and i know modeling will never sound as good as the real shit
I don't know why you ask for opinions if you already made up your mind. If you want simplicity over tone, just buy the HD head. I'll stick to my amps and "fucking" rack.

IMHO: The HD head is a compromise, and a damn expensive one.
yeah, sorry for pissing you off, i haven't made up my mind, but i wanted to hear from other hd users
yes, i need to try the diezel herbert before buying anything since i've heard that it's unbeatable
2817.67 to be exactly, at least it was when i last asked them, it might have been an introduction price..

still alot of cash man, have'nt bplayed it yet but it has been said it'
s superior
i spoke to the man who handles diezel in sweden a couple of minutes ago... the introduction price of 2817.67 euros is off and the ordinary price is now 3264.33 euros.. it's gonna take 6 weeks from my order until i get it (if i order it).. i will travel down to stockholm to try it out in a couple of days..

i need an high quality speaker to a diezel.. that costs some, i'll try it on a marshall since they're kind of cheap
ive got both diezel models, the VH4 and Herbert, along witha diezel frontloaded with vintage 30s...4x12....they ARE worth the money. every single cent. and since im in the USA, i had to pay full on for each, not like you lucky euro users...