Line 6


Mar 2, 2007
Does anyone know what I need to buy to be able to record out from my amp onto the computer? And does anyone know how to reset the settings on a line 6 amp? Mines all fucked up now.
a better amp! har har har

well, if you want to stick with line 6, check this out

all you really need is a USB box to run in to, and a computer program to record.

whats your goal? just to record some riffs for practice? record a demo?

i would start here and do alot of reading

every once in a while i get the crazy idea of setting up a home studio. computer recording makes me nervous though.
I want to make songs.

I wanted to get this because there are some cool sounding effects there.
There are two ways that I think you would most prosper from. Cheapest way would be to buy a 6.35mm jack cable to a 3.5mm to connect your amp to the line in on your soundcard, then (personaly I would download) get a recording interface/program. However, this all depends on your amp having line out. Another way to record the sound from your amp would be to, buy a budget-dependable mic( doesn't have to be the famous SM-57) and stick that in your soundcard, and then get a program to record.
Can you send me links to everything I need to get? And does anyone know how to reset all the settings on my amp?
I want to make songs.

I wanted to get this because there are some cool sounding effects there.

thats cool, youd still need a USB box to run it. atleast thats what it says on the overview page

ive tried the soundcard thing. it didnt work for me. it kept blowing out. but alot of people do it, so i'll chalk it up to me being terrible with computers.

what do you mean reset all your settings on your amp?
Well on the line 6 whenever you do stuff is creates different sounds and it can get fucked up sometimes and annoying, so now it has this hollow sound that I can't get rid of so I want to reset it to how it was before.
ah, ok. i dont know

to be completly honest, i stay as far away from line 6 as possible. the idea of emulating tones bothers me. creating your own sound is better. plus digital sounds so thin and brittle. i'll stick to analog
Unless your guitar amplifier has a dedicated Line Out, I wouldn't recommend running your amp into your sound card. You can mic your amp's speakers and run the microphone into your computer's sound card, though you may have distortion or clipping if you overload the mic.

There's also plenty of amp/speaker emulator programs on the market available at consumer software prices (i.e., as well as recording programs with amp/speaker emulation programs, as well as other effects, included

To reset your Line6 to its original specifications, go to and go to the "Support" section. There, you should find the forum to find the answer you're looking for. It's either that or find the manual that should have come with the amplifier.