Line6 BassPack\BassPOD patches

Get the Rock Classic Model, Put it through the matching 8x10 cab, use a U47 close up with about 20% room. Put the bass driver on if you need more drive than the amp can give you. Set the EQ on the amp as you would with a basic high gain guitar tone, bass 6/7 mid 4/5 bass 6/7.

That's what I use and it sounds great in the mix. I use the same set-up on Ampeg SVX though and have to say that it slay's the POD.
Amp BX-1974 Rock Classic
Cab BX-8x10 Classic
Mic Tube 47 Far 50%
Drive 60
Bass 50
Lo Mid 80
Hi Mid 80
Treble 80
Volume 80
Gate -50
Decay 10
Comp -15
Gain 0
+6 300
-5 700
+9 1000
-7 9000

Them you pump it with a multiband compressor and exciter.
On this topic, do you all think the bass amp pack is worth the $100 those Line 6 buggers want for it?
I quite like it, for bass I'll either use their models, SVX or Guitar Rig 2. I'd say the most important thing is that the bass is good as I think you can get quite workable tones from any of them.

Too be honest having the Bass amps in the PodXT makes it worthwhile for me, even just for tracking purposes. Having said that some people can get by just running the bass into a guitar amp sim.

My advice: Try it and return if you don't like it.