
Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
According to The Pulse Of Radio, LINKIN PARK frontman Chester Bennington has opened up in a new interview with Metal Hammer about his lengthy battle with drug addiction some years back, which came to a head when his bandmates decided to stage an intervention. Bennington said that at one point he was smoking crack and using crystal meth, explaining: "I was on 11 hits of acid a day. I dropped so much acid I'm surprised I can still speak! I'd smoke a bunch of crack, do a bit of meth and just sit there and freak out. Then I'd smoke opium to come down. I weighed 110 pounds. My mom said I looked like I stepped out of Auschwitz. So I used pot to get off drugs." He continued: "In 2006… I did some counseling with the guys and they really opened up and told me how they felt. I had no idea that I had been such a nightmare. I knew that I had a drinking problem, a drug problem and that parts of my personal life were crazy but I didn't realize how much that was affecting the people around me until I got a good dose of 'Here's-what-you're-really-like.' It was a shock. They said that I was two people — Chester and then that fucking guy. I didn't want to be that guy." Bennington told The Pulse Of Radio a while back just how bad even his drinking problem got. "I lived on alcohol," he said. "It was either beer, or Jack and Coke, or Jack Daniel's in a pint glass with ice. And then it got to the point where my wife said to me about seven months after we got together, she goes, 'I don't think there's been a day since I've known you that you haven't drank.' And I was like, 'What are you talking about? That's crazy' — as I'm drinking a Jack and Coke. That was where my life went." Bennington told Metal Hammer that he's pleased to be in a band now where everyone has their act together, saying: "We're not a clichéd rock band where everyone is messed up on drugs. We're all decent people, so that makes me proud too." LINKIN PARK is reportedly finalizing its new album, which is rumored to be released next year. The new disc will follow up 2014's "The Hunting Party".

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