Lion's Share - Dark Hours

Dec 21, 2003
Sudbury, Canada
Lion's Share – Dark Hours
Blistering Records - 2009
By Adam McAuley


Metal with a traditional flavour becomes the focal point of Lion's Share’s musical views. They throw in a lot of catchy riffs that bring a warm feeling to your heart. The performances are very solid with crunchy guitar playing, drumming that forms a good backbone for everything else and a singer that reminds strongly of Dio. The album will definitely bring out one’s love for pure metallic glory. “Demon in Your Mind” features portions that stick out and get ingrained in your memory more than the rest of what’s to be found.

Regardless, this is a consistent work from song to song that enthrals on many levels throughout. After going through some more metal excellence, we finally reach the track “Full Metal Jacket” which is also a standout with its power and emotion. The style played should widely appeal to fans of a classic sound within metal. It has a clean sound that is distinctive enough to traditional kinds of musical performance. The album just fills in your need for pure musical value with intensity and purpose. Lion’s Share are one of the better bands I’ve heard try to play with the classics and be quite proud of their heritage at the same time. There’s certainly an influence of Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Dio and others to be found, but the band very proudly wear their influences on their sleeves and make the best of the similarities to these outfits.

It all comes down to a very solid overall disc that makes up flash with pure musical strength. One comes away with a feeling of being fulfilled by the strong display of metal might that the band put forward. Dark Hours comes recommended to fans of traditional heavy metal that has strong nods to older material that helped define a genre.

Official Lion's Share Website
Official Lion's Share My Space
Official Blistering Records Website