Listen to full album of CLANDESTINE's "The Invalid"

Claus / Intromental

20 years of uniting the powers of metal



In celebration of the release of their debut album, AOL MUSIC is hosting a full album listening party for CLANDESTINE's debut release "The Invalid". The album will be released tomorrow via Nightmare Records. Over the past few weeks, the band has debuted new tracks from the album as well as the video for their first single "Disappear in You". Starting today you can preview the album in its entirety at:

Heavy metal video website METAL INJECTION debuted the new video clip for "Disappear in You" You can be one of the first to see this breathtaking video at its direct link

CLANDESTINE and Nightmare Records have also confirmed that they will be offering the digital version of the album at a fan friendly price of $4.99. "The Invalid" will be available at this special price at ITunes, Amazon, Nightmare and all other major digital retailers. "The Invalid" is a must for fans of bands as diverse as Evanescence, Dream Theater, Fair to Midland, Rush, Lacuna Coil, Tool and Between the Buried & Me.
This is a worthwhile listen. It feels fresh and modern. It incorporates several styles (or aesthetics) of music seamlessly. I'm not blown away by the vocals, but it works for this music. The writing is the strength for me.
The band released it on their own and sold 200 copies, hardly a release, more of a test market.

Claus and I saw the potential of the band, and we decided that it needed to be exposed and directed at more than just the underground, this band has a crossover potential to do a lot more than just sit in the prog metal market while certainly satisfying my love of progmetal this has a lot more in it, in fact HOT TOPIC picked it up nationwide because they believe in it...
and several other interestingly diverse websites have as you can see
with Bloodydisgusting, metalinjections, AOL music... The band has the it factor AND they not only can write a song, but their AMAZING musicians and relevant to the younger audience. It's just the crossover band I've been looking for in order to hopefully get some more kids paying attention to the progressive metal scene.

I like this quote, says a lot :

"I hear hundreds of bands each month; none like Clandestine. With a progressive sound that simply cannot be defined by comparisons, in
conjunction with inquisitive aesthetics portrayed through profound
lyricism & unmatched visual imagery; finally there is a band that offers
the music world something new. Clandestine is a breath of fresh air in an
otherwise stagnant & suffocating industry."

Brian Gerbetz,
Founder/CEO - Alternative Revolt Magazine

Good catch Claus but isn't this something of a reissue?

Thanks. I love this band. So much potential in them.

As for your question; considering that the album was only out for sale through the band's homepage and a few select places, and that they only sold 125 copies before hooking up with us (at which point they ceased to sell it), AND that the version we're selling now has updated artwork including lyrics etc, I think it's safe to say that this is officially a new release. If the 125 people who bought it originally feel they are getting ripped off by buying it twice - well, THEN DON'T BUY IT! haha :)