Listen to my dark/classical/ambient/movie score like project!


New Millenium Christ
Nov 20, 2002
its a dark classical/ambient/movie score kinda thing that i'm doing at the moment as a sideproject of my metal band neurotic, so i want your opinions.
people here seem to be very open minded and this is really dark music so it has a metal vibe going on
so here is the link , 2 songs avaiable there, download them and give me some feedback please, so far i've got great reviews...
btw the project is called machina now

reviews, go!!
Although I am new here and haven't checked out a lot of stuff, I must say..."Realm of Illusions" was really good. It was very dark but also very enthralling. I hope you make more of these:).

Also, how did you make these?
trailOFtragedy said:
Although I am new here and haven't checked out a lot of stuff, I must say..."Realm of Illusions" was really good. It was very dark but also very enthralling. I hope you make more of these:).

Also, how did you make these?
hmm i do the music in the guitar, then do it inmidi format on sonar and i use a plug-in called edirol orchestral that has a great sound( a whole orchestra at home eheh) and the final result is this :)
glad you like it!
yeh i'm doing more of this, i want to make a whole album, telling a story through music, so far the reviews have been great to this 2 tracks, i'm working on more... i'm thinking once its done sending it to labels eheh, maybe i'll get lucky!
I also went to your site and listened to the two tracks you have made available, and I must say, very good:). Where can I purchase the CD? (if it is even available)
trailOFtragedy said:
I also went to your site and listened to the two tracks you have made available, and I must say, very good:). Where can I purchase the CD? (if it is even available)
no it's not available yet, were searching for a label right now, hopefully in the future.
Glad you like \m/
you might want to just sell a demo cd as most bands do. Just put like those two songs and the next two or three you do on a cd and make copies and sell them for maybe $5 or so. it's a good way to get noticed.

I love the feel on Realm of Illusions although the synth section could be cleaned up a tiny bit, besides that it's very well orchestrated. especially the bell-like instrument in the background.

Darkness Descends gives me the feel of a boss battle in an RPG (video game). actually, man, I want to propose something... I know this is instrumental and mainly midi, but if you need dark atmospheric guitarwork, I;m your man. check out the link in my sig and see if it's something that you could incorporate into your songs. If it is, I'd be glad to work my ass off to add my guitarwork into anything you have on your mind if you need me to. I do instrumentals, also, so I know how hard those can be. It's just a thought, so if you want me to contribute/help you on anything just as a session guitarist (since I don't live close to you, but have a recording studio), you know I'm up for it.
NocturnalSun said:
you might want to just sell a demo cd as most bands do. Just put like those two songs and the next two or three you do on a cd and make copies and sell them for maybe $5 or so. it's a good way to get noticed.

I love the feel on Realm of Illusions although the synth section could be cleaned up a tiny bit, besides that it's very well orchestrated. especially the bell-like instrument in the background.

Darkness Descends gives me the feel of a boss battle in an RPG (video game). actually, man, I want to propose something... I know this is instrumental and mainly midi, but if you need dark atmospheric guitarwork, I;m your man. check out the link in my sig and see if it's something that you could incorporate into your songs. If it is, I'd be glad to work my ass off to add my guitarwork into anything you have on your mind if you need me to. I do instrumentals, also, so I know how hard those can be. It's just a thought, so if you want me to contribute/help you on anything just as a session guitarist (since I don't live close to you, but have a recording studio), you know I'm up for it.
tkx for the words. hmm i've listened to your songs and they're very cool, i just not thinking in incorporate guitars except in one song that is supposed to represent technology so in that one i will put industrial stuff and distorted guitars maybe.
the thing is, i'm a guitarrist myself(kinda lol) , i actually write all the songs in the guitar and then i put them to midi so i don't think i'll need it, but thanks anyway, and if i run out of ideas i might need help :)

about the production, this is just demo stuff yet(although it sound pretty cool already), i realize i put to much reverb into it now cuz that are not synths lol, they're actually violin and viola sections together doing the chords, i'm doing it now so it sounds more "organic" , i think it will sound even darker that way.
anyway you got a good thing going on there, if i were you, i would do an album full of those instrumentals, that's cool!
i just put there a new song i just did, its called the uknown(rising fear) and its a scary motherfucker lol, has some ligeti influences there\m/
go listen now its on the link.