Listen to my mix im working, Give me pointers


Jun 17, 2008
This is my second time recording a band and i want you guys to check out my mix... it seems like it needs something but i dont know... im my recording monitors it sounds okay but when i listen to them in my computer speakers the vocals seemed to get buried.

anyways can you guys give me so input and suggestions on what is needed.
Hey dude, your triggering on the kick is failling ALOT! I think it's on some parts that's supposed to have a really fast double bass and it's going random everywhere!! check that
Yeah dude i know what u mean..but its actually the drummer... he tried to do some double pedaling but it didnt come out so great.. so part of it is the performance... but this guys dont mind the kick sounding off(I suggested to re do it....) but they just want to have their jam up on myspace.

anyways ill double check the triggering... but is their anythign missing... FORGIVE my mixing but im just starting haha.. This is my second band i record.
Thanks duded... i tried sidechaning the bass so the kick would be more noticeable but i guess i went to over board(Should i stop sidechaining or just change the threshhold)..... ima try what you suggested in that post.. good reading. So yeah ill post the updated version when i get the chance to fix things.

Bring up the bass and put reverb to the toms.

Hey ahjteam quick question in ur post you suggested that one can put a limiter in the master bus for "safe" measures and i was wondering when i mix should i leave a limiter there with the settings you suggested.... right now i leave my master bus at unity with no plug-ins what so ever.... when i get clipping usually i just lower the individual track that makes it clip.. but i dont know if thats hurting my mix because if i lower the individual track would i be making the track too low afterwards... like for example lets say the drummer hits the snare harder when he does a snare roll, but for the rest of the song he just hits normal, and if i lower the track wont i be killing some of the dynamic part when he is doing normal playing....
Hey ahjteam quick question in ur post you suggested that one can put a limiter in the master bus for "safe" measures and i was wondering when i mix should i leave a limiter there with the settings you suggested.... right now i leave my master bus at unity with no plug-ins what so ever.... when i get clipping usually i just lower the individual track that makes it clip.. but i dont know if thats hurting my mix because if i lower the individual track would i be making the track too low afterwards... like for example lets say the drummer hits the snare harder when he does a snare roll, but for the rest of the song he just hits normal, and if i lower the track wont i be killing some of the dynamic part when he is doing normal playing....

The reason I use it is because I mix my mixes usually with speakers very loud, so I end up with huge headroom and it usually ends up my mixes being very dynamic, for example here is a drum mix I did recently:


When I have the limiter, I can just mix and not focus on if the shit is clipping and when its done, I can bring up the volume by 6-10dB without it getting majorly affected or hardclipped to get some loudness you all crave for :oops: But as you can see, its still pretty dynamic
thanks dude by the way you know of any free inspectors that will tell me the volume in dbfs? because im sure there different levels of what what my daw tells me. or em i wrong?