Listen to 'Roads' (Åkerfeldt & Silver) here. (From Roadrunner United)


¨‘°ºOrnamental adagiOº°‘¨
Nov 30, 2002
You can (legally) listen to it on the dutch 3voor12-site ('3to12').

Go to and click on 'LUISTERPAAL'. Not in the body, that didn't seem to work here. Click on the small 'Luisterpaal'-button in the grey menubar above. Then click 'Omlaag' to scroll down untill you see 'Roadrunner United, the all-star sessions' (Compilatie). Click on the album; it's track 12.

Mikael Åkerfeldt (OPETH) - vocals
Josh Silver (TYPE O NEGATIVE) - keyboards, backing vocals

Music written by Josh Silver
Lyrics written by Mikael Åkerfeldt

What do you think of the track? I think it's different, not bad at all. And as the title says: it's a perfect road-song. It has a bit of the Doors' Roadhouse Blues atmosphere.
Cheers man, Interesting song. Nothing special though. Seems as if Mike isnt really trying but then again he still sounds amazing
I listened to a couple of songs on it, but yeah, that song was one of them and its ok, seemed a little odd and random considering the other songs on the CD, but it was nothing bad. I don't know though, all the songs I listened to so far sounded Cut+Pasted together. No atmosphere or anything, just like whoevers bass shoved on top of whoevers drums etc. It seemed very contrived and sterile, and that song probably has the most atmosphere on the whole CD.
It was Bob Seger meets Type O (some of the melodic transitions) with Mike. I probably would like it more if it were longer. Is this the actual full time?
Omhoog = up
Omlaag = down

:p it's DUTCH :p ... yes, there are other languages than English, WOW! ... a whole new world ...

btw: I can only listen to the first song ... it won't skip forward or stop or pause or anything ...
Autumnal said:
Click on the song title itself and press play

No, I got it working - first few times I clicked on it, only the two words showed up, nothing else. but I listened to it and it's interesting....I mean, Mike sounds great, but I dunno - the melodies just weren't cutting it for me. meh, give me Isolation years.
I for one didn't really mind it, I mean, it could've been better, but Mike sounds awesome regardless. Thats saying a lot compared to the other shit on this album. Is it just me or does every vocalist on Roadrunner suck? (big shock for me was Deicide's vocalist. I like Deicide, but that shit sounded horrible. Although, to me, none of their stuff really compares to Scars of the Crucifix)
Your not really missing too much. I wouldn't worry about it. It's pretty weak by musical standards. The vocals are pretty good, however they're nothing really special coming from Mike. If there's ever been a good song titled 'Roads' it's My Dying Brides, Portishead cover.