listen to the new WUTHERING HEIGHTS album today ...

Claus / Intromental

20 years of uniting the powers of metal has the new WUTHERING HEIGHTS album, "The Shadow Cabinet", as online-streaming today (Saturday October 21st). Go listen to it and feel free to comment on it :-)

US release: mid-November from Sensory Records (featuring the live bonus disc, "Live In Atlanta 2004")

European release: out now from Locomotive Music (bonus track: "Midnight Song")

Japanese release: out now from Soundholic Records (bonus track: "Shadow Of A Gipsy")

Okay - admittedly my french is muy poquito (I took spanish in school) but I don't see anything on this site that resembles the words Wuthering Heights. Is it supposed to just start streaming automatically? Is there someplace else on the page we need to go? I'm really interested to hear this new album - and think it's great that it will have a bonus CD in the US package - but so far, I can't hear a thing.

Looking forward to this...hopefully Ken Golden will put it up for pre-order, soon?...(hint, hint)...

Rock on!
manowarfan1 said:
Okay - admittedly my french is muy poquito (I took spanish in school) but I don't see anything on this site that resembles the words Wuthering Heights. Is it supposed to just start streaming automatically? Is there someplace else on the page we need to go? I'm really interested to hear this new album - and think it's great that it will have a bonus CD in the US package - but so far, I can't hear a thing.


Just click on the album cover (on the right side of the page) :-)

whoa... :eek: sounds damn heavy! :kickass: and it's so good to hear something new from the bards of folk metal! I can't wait to order this release! *frantically searches for pre-orders*

and to know this: US release: mid-November from Sensory Records (featuring the live bonus disc, "Live In Atlanta 2004") is friggin' awesome! Thanks Claus! Thanks Wuthering Heights! and Thanks Glenn for having them here in 2004! They were a true highlight for me that year! :notworthy
I will have this CD!!!!!!!! No Matter what, i have been a Wuthering Heights fanboy for a long time, i Loved their releases with Henrik Flyman on guitar(Henrik is my buddy) also with Morten Gade(Pyramaze drummer) he is awesome.