Listening to SYL with the company of a bottle of red wine!


Jun 16, 2008
Uppsala, Sweden

I'm extremely bitter at the moment and I'm totally out of inspiration... hoping SYL and this bottle of wine will make me mad enough to write a song. I still need 2-3 more songs for my upcoming project, and I'm really beginning to feel forced right now. There is also this issue with girls and shit that has been plaguing me lately which also contributes to my bitterness.

So... enjoy another pointless thread in the Off-topic section (atleast I'm smart enough not to post shit like this in the main music forum like some bastards do!)

I'm drinking..... HAHAHAHA, "Chill Out Lakes". Yeah, I'm a trendy fucking bastard aren't I? :D It's quite good though and it certainly has gotten me going!

WHAT!?!?!? 40 min between posts? You've got to be kidding me.... wow, this wine is really good then, Thanks for pointing that out. I will definately try making some music soon but man am I beyond help right now.
Well guys, I've learned something tonight ... and that is that it's not easier to write stuff when you're drunk. It doesn't really help you know... all I did was jam some angry riffs but nothing was worthy of recording. Most of it sounded like the crap you guys post on this forum 99% of the time! HAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'm just kidding :D

So, guess I'm looking forward to tomorrow, a sober day, another try at music... sober. Not drunk. No red wine. No sir, no red wine. No booze at all. Just me... and me. lollerskates!
Yea I hear you on that not trying to write while intoxicated thing. I don't even have to finish a single beer before my riff judging skills start getting completely skewed. I have to be 100% sober when I try to write something.
Beer = Bad for creativity

If I'm stoned I swear I make amazing fucking music though
Best moment to writte is the day after. Hangovered in the sofa with an acoustic guitar on your hands while watching some afterlunch movie.
Very melancoholic and melodic tunes get out of my dehydrated brain.