Lithuanian Metal Bands Perform At Planetarium


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
Two brand new Lithuanian post-black metal acts, DEVLSY and NYKSTA, played a live show at a planetarium in Vilnius, Lithuania on November 28, 2013. The goal of this event was to present the debut album by DEVLSY, "A Parade Of States", which, contrary to the common practice, was released in the form of a USB card rather than the usual CD. The sold-out show surpassed all the expectations of both the local promoter and the musicians. "We are the first metal band to perform in a place like this. It took a lot of effort to convince the owners of the planetarium that the crowd of metalheads would not ruin the building," said DEVLSY guitarist Giedrius. "Secondly, it took us lots of time to prepare the visuals for a nearly two-hour show."The performance of the bands took place in complete darkness, while the audience was comfortably sitting in their seats and watching the huge visualizations above their heads. The evening turned out really well and many positive responses have been spread by the atendees in press and the social media.Check out photos at this location.A limited edition of the DEVLSY album "A Parade Of States" is still available in the form of a USB card, while the CD version will be released in February 2014 by a Japanese label.
