Lithuanian Metal


Old Fart
Jul 24, 2001
The Woodlands
Not much comes from this country, but what little metal trickles out is pretty damn good, at least from what I've heard.

All I have is stuff from Obtest, Poccolus, Zpoan Vtenz, and Ha Lela. A lot of people in this forum would really like these bands.

And here is my reason for making this thread:

Someone bid on this, please. It's super rare, having been released on a Korean label. Fans of N'Crugu Bradului would probably like it, as it has that eerie vibe.

Ha Lela and Zpoan Vtenz are folk black metal, both excellent IMO.

And of course Obtest owns most of the bands you people listen to, but they will remained ignored, as this thread will because we need another Slough Feg thread. :yell::tickled::loco:
I'm tired of these small countries churning out fucking black metal. Why not something else for once? Fuck you and your grim forest!
wow to the poster above J, yeah fuck any small country for trying to have a voice. I love that area of europe. Belarus doesn't really have any great black metal bands but their folk music is great. i really wish someone would blend the two, while i was there i was so inspired by it i wanted to try it myself! haha. Lativa and Lithuania share a similar past so i would really like to check out the music in hope of discovering something very unique and interesting. Ukrainian folk is pretty cool too. Their is this one band "gogol bordello" which i recommend highly.
I just thought Random Beard's response, while wholly incompetent, was funny. I'm not really sure what his point was though. Is he saying that it would have been OK if those bands were from Norway?

Usually bands from smaller countries sing about one thing: heritage/roots/ancestors. OK, three things, but you get it. And, these smaller countries usually have a history of folk music such as Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Romania, etc. Their music certainly makes for a more authentic (look lurch!) listen. Plus, you can never have too much of a good thing.
Try to find some of anderson's posts about prog music. It was a great introduction for me into some bands i never heard of. I remember john posted alot of non metal/folk things he was into as well. it was a very cool thread and took me awhile to get through it all.
Hey, Obtest are really good! There's something oddly Golden Dawn-esque about the rusty edge of their riffs, but without all the sympho-techno side. "Auka Seniems Dievams" is a superb collection of hurling pagan rides and cascading hymns. Some people on this board would definitely deserve this.

I remember Ha Lela as being quite enjoyable too but a little too folkish for my taste.

And Dissimulation have some nice shit too. The "Maras"-LP can be depicted as some archaic version of Dissection meets Motörhead. They're on Ledo Takas Records, just like Obtest. It's a pity the release schedule of this label equals the sexual diligence of an elder sloth...
If Ha Lela are too folkish for you, then dont bother with Zpoan Vtenz whch is more folk than metal. Poccolus is probably more your thing.

Obtest is so fucking good. Everyone would enjoy them, from the Pagan metal fans to the thrash fans.
Erik said:
I just found this Latvian dude on DC searching for Ha Lela etc:

Ha :headbang: time to check out some obscure shit... Now THIS, J., is what's great about file sharing :D

heh, I suppose, though I'll probably never do it. hope you dig it.
And Dissimulation have some nice shit too. The "Maras"-LP can be depicted as some archaic version of Dissection meets Motörhead. They're on Ledo Takas Records, just like Obtest. It's a pity the release schedule of this label equals the sexual diligence of an elder sloth...

Any further thoughts on Dissimulation by anyone? Here's a UM review comparing them to Destroyer666...