Liv Kristine out of Leaves' Eyes

No real explanation why? I'm assuming it has to do with parenting and needing to have an actual home life? I still remember Liv stuck at the infamous crosswalk by Center Stage with what I believe was her son. Poor lady was there forever.
If that certified transcript is genuine then she doesn't have much of a leg to stand on. What's the gain in the drama?

1. The contract is dated January. However, the actual signature is not until April. They may have started the "process" back then, but Liv had no idea till she was fired recently.

2. No way in hell should a professional band post any sort of legal document without the consent of all parties involved. Liv has every right to be furious.
2. No way in hell should a professional band post any sort of legal document without the consent of all parties involved. Liv has every right to be furious.
This sort of makes me miss the days where I'd read this sort of thing as a two line tidbit in the Blabbermouth section of Metal Maniacs a month or two after it happened, rather than have every silly development and hasty, poorly considered message plastered all over social media.

I'm not a fan of the band but they're looking pretty bad right now. Firing a member is fine, might suck for fans, but a band is a business and sometimes you have to make painful changes. However, yelling at your fans on social media and posting contracts to support "your side" are definitely not fine. Pretty curious to see what kind of response they get this fall on their tour with Sonata Arctica.