Live at Rolling Stone - Milan - Italy 02/01/2006

Question: At this show, did alexi say that u were the loudest crowd since 3 mounths of touring??? Thats fuckin awesome br0!
Lithium said:
Question: At this show, did alexi say that u were the loudest crowd since 3 mounths of touring??? Thats fuckin awesome br0!

Yup, he did. Guess he says so to all the crowds. We weren't particularly loud, anyway.

Lithium said:
Italians suck though
Lithium said:
I lived there....there all lamers.

Thank you very much.
tempestadiossa said:
Yup, he did. Guess he says so to all the crowds. We weren't particularly loud, anyway.

Thank you very much.

No problem's just my experience.
Eleonora said:
p.s. hails to everyone,i am new ^^
Benvenuta in questa gabbia di matti :wave:

Btw, noto dal tuo blog che i bimbi di bodom ti piacciono appena appena, eh? ;) (tra parentesi, hai l'album "Clayman" degli In Flames? Nei ringraziamenti figurano i Bambino de Bodom)
tempestadiossa said:
Benvenuta in questa gabbia di matti :wave:

Btw, noto dal tuo blog che i bimbi di bodom ti piacciono appena appena, eh? ;) (tra parentesi, hai l'album "Clayman" degli In Flames? Nei ringraziamenti figurano i Bambino de Bodom)

eheh... altrimenti non sarei qui :Spin:
l'album originale non ce l ho =( ... cmq figata....devo procurarmelo!
grazie per il benvenuto :headbang: