Live clips of Testament Low and DNR...

Ola Englund

Only gay in the village
Dec 1, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
I would like to share 2 clips from our previous liveshow where we actually ended up playing two testament songs! :headbang:

It was recorded with a Minolta Digitalcamera(not a videocamera) so the sound isn't the best but you kind of get the groove anyway.:tickled:

Comments are very welcome!! Oh and I'm the guitarist to the left with the dean cadillac.

The files are 22 and 24MB.

oh and our band is called Subcyde, more info at
Downloading it now... I'll comment as soon as I see it
Thanks very much for sharing this, man!
Subcyde? I've heard your studio version of "Low" and enjoyed it very much. It was heavy. Hope these two are very good too
Well, these are good and intense. I really enjoyed watching them. The sound and view isn't of the highest quality, as you said and that's why I enjoyed "Low" more (the quality is a tad better there, I think). You guys have played these songs in your own way, not trying to copy the originals, but doing it in a Subcyde style and that's a plus. I liked it very much and hope to hear more in the future (so if you cover any TestAmenT tune more, please post it here so that we could enjoy it).
If I can complain a bit- I'd say that I kinda missed a little variety on vocals (which overall are strong and good)- I realise it's the way your singer normaly sings, it's his style, but I think it would have really brought justice to "D.N.R." if he sang the "wings of sadness..." part in a more melodic way, in contrast to the rest, so that the expression of it would be stronger.
Good luck with your career, guys!
hey, really love these two songs that u covered!! fucking awesome i'd like to say !! is that you on the guitar? whoa, what a great talented player you are, u almost copied every note from what James played.. :D

thanx for the clips!
preety fucking good!! I thought (during downloading) it won't be so... :)
maybe you should hire the guy from crowd, who growled "DNR" hehe ;) he made it preety well :p (JK)
well, I hope your own material is on the same good level as this cover :) I also hope Ill listen you someday a little bit more...
