Live DVD / room mics


guitars must be loud
Sep 18, 2003
Benztown, Germany
Hey guys,

I need some suggestions regarding mics.
We're going to film a live show in summer for a bonus DVD for the next album
and I'm not quite sure about the ambience/room mics.

Could you give me some suggestion on what mics you would use and where I
should place them?

The idea is to get a) the room sound and b) to catch the noise from the audience.
Which means 4 mics right? Or will it be enough to record the master fader stereo
signal from the FOH and just 2 mics for ambience at the FOH pointing towards the stage?

Music is Death Metal and show will be during a festival. But the stage we use
is in a tent which can hold up to 800 people. And the tent will be crowded for sure.
So that's why I thought about capturing the audience would be nice.

Thank you very much.