Live footage - Where's it @?


New Metal Member
Jun 22, 2002
Toronto, Canada
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The only time I have ever seen Steve DiGiorgio play live was a brief clip from the video for "The Philosopher" from Death's individual thought patterns. I'm blown away by all your stuff, steve, but WHERE CAN I SEE YOU PLAY LIVE, MAN? I gotta see how you do this shit. Are there any videos or what not with any live or concert footage about? I'd be VEREY interested.

Keep the metal alive...

Hey dude, I am also dying to see Steve live!!

But there were some videos on his old site that I still have here on my HD, if you want it, mail me at

Those video excerpts were taken from Testament's Dynamo 2000 show... And, according to Steve, all those crazy things that he does live were influenced by that kinda Jack Daniels thing ;D