Live instruments required for live shows?

genocide roach

Aug 18, 2002
long story short i ended up seeing a DJ/VJ live (mike relm). he had a video set up going where he could play and manipulate video with his (semi original) music. this got me thinking, about the applications for metal. using videos and music set lighting for the visual aspect of a show, all human controlled to fit the performance and crowd demands. this ultimately lead me to one question...

does the metal fan require a live band for a show?

i think the answer is probably yes, because we're elitist fucks. but anyways, please discuss
I once payed 8 bucks to see a light show at the planetarium with Metallica played really loud. It wasn't unpleasant, although I wouldn't do it again, but the definition of a live show is that music is being played live. So yes.
On the other hand, there's a group around here called the Alloy Orchestra (3 guys, actually), and sometimes my family goes to see showings of old Buster Keaton movies where they play the soundtrack live. Pretty sweet. Not what you're talking about, but yeah.

Anyhow, yes. The answer is yes. If no music is being performed live, it's not a live show. And not many people are going to pay to go watch a movie while recorded music plays at them unless they're sitting down eating popcorn and Vin Diesel is on screen.
Automated things work for lots of bands who do not have and cannot afford to have permanent members, but permanent members on drums (usually this is the spot filled by automated stuff) almost always make more sense. Hell, Fuck...I'm Dead played MDF last year with a SICK fucking live drummer, and they were one of the first really popular grind bands to use a drum machine to great (and very intense) effect.

The band The Ocean iirc have a huge, huge MIDI controlled live show outside of the 9 or whatever people in the band, so...
even if some parts are recorded/automated the show should ideally have SOME live element otherwise it would be pretty lame.
maybe a live guy doing vocals and controlling the rest of a show, like a DJ would. mixing sounds and whatnot
Mortician should never use a drummer live

Mortician should never play live. Or ever, for that matter. In fact, the members should burn their instruments and never listen to metal again. And all the Mortician albums should be gathered into one spot with all the Six Feet Under albums and buried deep, deep underground. And then set on fire.
In Flames should never play live. Or ever, for that matter. In fact, the members should burn their instruments and never listen to metal again. And all the In Flames albums should be gathered into one spot with all the Six Feet Under albums and buried deep, deep underground. And then set on fire.
