Live intro noob deathcore mix ;] tone port + ezdrummer


Jan 2, 2008
Hi guys ;P firstly I'd like to say that this forum is great:):kickass: and I really learned so much here...

that is my mix ;P I am noob, and I do everything on my laptop i dont have any interface yet....
drums are from Ez drummer and i replaced kick and are from tone port 2 left 2 right + 2 differend impulses, bass is pithed down guitar + ampeg plugin on it

and questions:
how to get more dynamics on drums...
how to make overal mix louder;] some plugs advices?
where use EQ and which freq i should pump/cut

thx guys:)
cheers :notworthy
First of all, sounds pretty cool! I don't know how ezdrummer works, but I assume you can just randomize the velocities a bit and that will help make them more realistic.

In general, but more specifically on the guitars you could probably stand to use more in the upper mids. That will probably make it a bit easier to get it louder, it's easier to get those frequencies loud then lows/highs. Other then that, I assume you're using some sort of limiter? other then just messing around with it I don't know know what to tell you other then use the search function and look for tips on loudifying your stuff.
Its sounds good.

You can get the mix louder, when you use a Limiter on the master channel. Waves L2 is good. Set up the out ceiling to -0.1. As you pull down the treshold, the mix will be louder. If you no longer see activity in your out-ceiling your song is too squished.

BTW nice guitar tone. What preset do you used in toneport?
Its sounds good.

You can get the mix louder, when you use a Limiter on the master channel. Waves L2 is good. Set up the out ceiling to -0.1. As you pull down the treshold, the mix will be louder. If you no longer see activity in your out-ceiling your song is too squished.

BTW nice guitar tone. What preset do you used in toneport?

Loudness is not what we are going for in this forum... It's about the mix.

Good job dude! Sounds great.
thx for tips guys!! the preset is a little modified by me (less bass:))"Bndy-plate" tone, which i was found here on forum;P

and about ez drummer: as I wrote on first post;p I replace the snare with drumagog, and later mix both sounds (drumagog and original ez drummer snare sound ) and this help me to get more natural drums sound

thx for loudness tips, I will try it later

Loudness is not what we are going for in this forum... It's about the mix.

:lol: right. Who cares about loudness in metal? :p I don't think we're collectively "going for" anything on this forum (unless there's a mission statement that I'm not aware of). And if we were, loudness wouldn't be excluded.
man, the sound is brutal, i like it especially the guitars, for a second there at the start it sounded like The Faceless :)),
patch maybe ?

Seriously!!! What all did you use on the guitars? Go in detail...

hehe thx guys ;P I am really happy that you like it!!;)

ok details:

there are 4 tracks, L and R 100%, 80%, 80%, 100% I record them with tone port, with this patch:

without cab sim ofcourse;) on the 100% L and R tracks I used impulse named: "GuitarHack_impulse_b_half" and on the two middle tracks impulse called:"alasneap_dc"
both I found here on forum, probably on FTP ;)

to conversion I used revalver mk2, I have only demo for now;/

on guitar group: C4 with sneap preset;] and EQ that's all

:lol: right. Who cares about loudness in metal? :p I don't think we're collectively "going for" anything on this forum (unless there's a mission statement that I'm not aware of). And if we were, loudness wouldn't be excluded.

but I dont know how to make my mixes as loud as some here on forum ;P that's why I asked ;)
probably the reason is that I dont have good interface right?
:lol: right. Who cares about loudness in metal? :p I don't think we're collectively "going for" anything on this forum (unless there's a mission statement that I'm not aware of). And if we were, loudness wouldn't be excluded.

Except that we are in the rate my mix forum... Not rate my master.

It's just annoying to see someone come in and start commenting on the "loudness" of a mix sample that may not even be in its final stages yet.

I think you misunderstood me.