Hi guys ;P firstly I'd like to say that this forum is great
and I really learned so much here...
that is my mix ;P I am noob, and I do everything on my laptop i dont have any interface yet....
drums are from Ez drummer and i replaced kick and snare...guitars are from tone port 2 left 2 right + 2 differend impulses, bass is pithed down guitar + ampeg plugin on it
and questions:
how to get more dynamics on drums...
how to make overal mix louder;] some plugs advices?
where use EQ and which freq i should pump/cut
thx guys

that is my mix ;P I am noob, and I do everything on my laptop i dont have any interface yet....
drums are from Ez drummer and i replaced kick and snare...guitars are from tone port 2 left 2 right + 2 differend impulses, bass is pithed down guitar + ampeg plugin on it
and questions:
how to get more dynamics on drums...
how to make overal mix louder;] some plugs advices?
where use EQ and which freq i should pump/cut
thx guys
