Liverpool 1-0 Chelski


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
Great result at Anfield last night.......harks back to the days of the late 1970's and early 1980's. Sure the goal was dubious....but let's face it....if the goal hadn't been awarded then the Chelsea keeper would surely have received a red card for his foul on Baros and a penalty would have awarded. we come!
yeah it was either a penalty or a goal no 2 ways about it will be intresting to see what happenes if Liverpool win it as they wont be able to defend it under present rules, luckly for me i wont have that worry for a while been a wolves fan how i wish for our time once again
hehe, I know what it's like getting to that stage of the comp.....only Leeds never actually made the final. We came close.....and erm....look at us now :oops:

Still, it was a boring game to watch but Liverpool have a great chance in the final which I'm pretty sure will be against Milan, unless PSV can turn them over tonight.

British team in the final = good :D
Already happened in 2000 (i think) Madrid won the Champs League but finished 4th.. but unlike our corrupt FA the Spanish Fa bumped Zaragosa into the Uefa cup (i think along with a financial comp package) and Madrid defended their win.
The board that voted that Everton should go in was absolutely crap.. .it included the vice chairman of Arsenal (if LFC got in Arsenal would have to qualify) and the Bolton chairman also among others.... :err:
Aye that is correct Sean think the board had a hard decsion to make i wouldnt want to choose between Everton and Liverpool, its a tricky issue if liverpool win they should defend there title but everton should be rewarded for a great season
Everton showed their class as 4th spot holders tonight going down 7-0 .. and although we lost 3-1 on Sunday it was a bit of a closer affair where the result didn't really do the game justice... bloody toffees :p
Farewell to Southampton after 27 years in the top flight of English football. There are some unhappy faces in the office today, compounded by the fact that we have a Portsmouth fan in here too!

Good to see Cisse bag a brace for Liverpool though!