
Jul 24, 2002
Go to Youtube and look up "Van Canto- Battery". It's....amazing, haha. Just watch this. Seriously. LOL. The video kinda adds to the hilarity of the whole thing. I'd post it here but they disabled embedding (which is retarded, what's with that lately?!)
I don't have the albums, but I enjoy it too - love how they can get the guitar sounds without even using one! Fear of the Dark is awesome:

And a ballad for Vito - The Bard's Song.

This one sounds like a typical acapella arrangement (I used to go see one acapella group at U of I called The Other Guys, and their covers of pop songs sounded just like this)

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Like I said, hearing it is one thing even, but watching that Battery video almost made me spit out my drink and laugh. It's really hard to look all cool and "evil metal" when you're going DUN-DUN-DUN-DUN-DUNDADADUN-DUNNNNNN with your mouth, LOL. Then when the "guitar solo" came in I just lost it totally hahaha
It's a clever idea, a novelty to say the least. There's obviously talent there, whereas I don't know if you could call William Hung "talented". I just personally would enjoy them more if they all properly sang and harmonized together, and leave the music to actual instrumentalists. It'd be less novel I suppose, but I'd prefer it that way.
I normally enjoy acapella stuff...and The Bard's Song cover was pretty badass....but Battery was one of the most atrocious things I've ever heard.
I normally enjoy acapella stuff...and The Bard's Song cover was pretty badass....but Battery was one of the most atrocious things I've ever heard.

I concur, The Bard's Song was actually pretty good! Battery got a good laugh out of me. They are trying to be so serious and imposing, yet they look so damn silly. Of course they did a pretty good job of aping Hetfield's scowl :p