
It's okay, not nearly as bad as most say it is. As usual for Metallica most of the songs have one too many verses. The House That Jack Built RULES. I still don't have a proper copy of it. :Spin:
Even Metallica slag Load and Reload in their own movie. I guess it was an ok album but I don't listen to it any more.
Tranquillian said:
Even Metallica slag Load and Reload in their own movie.
Oh really? I guess seeing Metallica criticize their own work would be interesting to see, but seeing clips of Lars in the trailers just makes me want to put my boot through his gay balding 'lets peroxide my remaining hair strands' head.

I remember getting Load the day BEFORE it came out. I knew someone who worked in a record store and he sold it to me a day early. I rushed home...thought it was good, you know from all the excitement and anticipation of having waited that long....a few days later I gave in to disappointment.

There are some worthy tracks (The Outlaw Torn, although it's too long, and I like Until it Sleeps), but damn, there are some fucking appalling songs on there too. The shit, in this case, out weighs the 'above average to poor'.

"The House that Jack Built" is awesome though. Easily the best song on the album.
"Bleeding Me"
Well as i said in my first post, i think it is one of the best hard rock albums of 90s. It has an amazing and 100% pure feeling. I consider it a tribute to their 70s influences.
Bleeding Me has one of my favorite Metallica riffs... well, guitar line rather, guess it's not quite a riff.

Haha I remember all my friends were saying "OMG THEY ARE TEH SUXXOORS NOW" (except we didn't talk like that back then :loco: ) and I kept defending it saying "they're old fuckers man, you fools didn't start listening until AFTER the black album like me either, so shut the fuck up and enjoy a decent rock album." I never had a problem with it, just didn't have lasting appeal.
Not a fan of Load. Reload is marginally better, but not crazy about it either. I'm one of the few that thinks St. Anger was a huge improvement from their recent stuff. Sure, Invisible Kid is unlistenable and the drum sound sucks balls, but its heavy and feels more real.
They mention Load and Reload in the movie and say that they used every idea they had and stretched them too thinly. I agree.

The outlaw torn is in the top 3 of Metallica songs post 1988. There is an even longer version on a single, they had to cut it down to fit under the maximum playing time of a cd.
Yeah, when it was released it was officially the longest CD album. Can't remember what later beat it. 'Load' was the first Metallica album I actually listened to - rented it from the local library - so at the time, I loved it. Then I got MoP from the same place, and a thrash metal fan was born.
Longest CD I have is Lateralus around 79 minutes. I guess Load is just shy of that? My version is mp3'd and doesn't have the reprise of Randy, or Johnny, or whatever the fuck ohh, Ronnie. Yeah, that's the ticket.
Hasn't he been doing that since Load?


Oh no, gramma forgot her pills again! RUN!!!
You're no fun. :p Besides, I've been bashing Lars since before it was cool, that dude always annoyed the piss out of me.
That has to be the most apelike picture of Lars I've ever seen, and that is a mean feat. :) Load/Reload aren't the worst albums I've ever heard, but about half of their tracks come off as being absurdly half-assed and are padded to ridiculous proportions...no way does either album deserve to be 78 minutes long.
Two questions for everyone:

1. What is the absolute worst song on either Load or Reload?

For me, the worst song ever has to be "Ronnie". God, that song just makes me wanna hurl. I'd take "Hero of the Day" before that one.

2. "Mama Said" vs. "Nothing Else Matters"

I choose "Nothing Else Matters". It had a better solo. Notice however that James Hetfields solos are normally a trillion times better than Kirk Hamster's.
1.Yes i agree with "ronnie" . "Hero Of The Day" has its fun and "Mama Said" (i am saying it because many people think that is the worst) RULES, ITS A GREAT SONG.
2. Both .. hm "Mama Said" maybe, Hetfield sings better there.
1. Hero of the Day is the worst Metallica song outside of St. Wanker.
2. I like Mama Said. :tickled:
Load, its not terrible, but not very good.One thing that I can say for certain is that Load is not a very creative album, its a middling hard rock rehash. Its basically 70's hard rock, yet without the charm and catchiness of say Ac/Dc. Hammett and Ulrich both start their decline on this album, its as if both have just said fuck it Ill be a sloppy son of a bitch who probably should be playing guitar and drums in the local club.

I personally never liked the album at all, its a helluva alot better than Reload and St Anger. I can understand how many enjoy it, I just cannot understand any claims that Metallica progressed with this album.