Local Metal at Jaxx Concert Hall

Dec 5, 2002
Forgive me for spamming the forum, just attempting to stir up a little interest in my band Eternal Winter. We have a small show in July at Jaxx with Virginia locals TimeLord, we play at 7PM, TimeLord goes on at 8PM. I know you Divisionaries are more than well aware of the ticket policy for Jaxx, so if anyone in the area is bored/interested on that night then we would be very grateful if you purchased tickets from us.

FYI if anyone decides to check out the myspace page, the songs available are over 2 years old, with a signifigantly different lineup. We sound much more Epic and Professional now, I promise ;).

Yea, I actually saw the Division banner under that show on the Jaxx page for like....8 hours before it got removed heh. I'll be sure to say hi again, and hopefully give you a copy of the new EP if its done by then.
Hey man, It's Matt from RisingForcesUSA. Thanks so much for dropping a line on MySpace.

I'll be there to cover you and Timelord (who's demo kicks major ass!) for our webzine. I look forward to hearing recordings of your new lineup. I am also looking forward to meeting you and the rest of the band.

Jaxx is probably my favorite club to go to. I always have a blast there and meet awesome people. :headbang:
eaeolian said:
Hey, I'll bet you can get the whole band to come if you guys bring the swords... ;)

Ohh yea I bet Jaxx would love that if we all came striding into the club carrying swords and battle axes :lol:

"Dont worry we're not going to use them, we're just hanging them from the ceiling above the crowd, its cool. "
En Vind Av Sorg said:
If you can get it past Bear, be my guest :lol:

Hehehe, with the coat I wear, I could get it in; it's got metal buckles and as many times as I've been there, he just waves me through then the metal detector goes apeshit LOL the flail'd be hidable in it.