Logic 9 + profire 2626 + Yamaha dt express


New Metal Member
Jul 27, 2009
Hey Guys

just wonderin if any of you know as ive been sat here for about an hour trying to figure it out :(

basically i have my yamaha dt express connected via midi out to my spdif/word clock and i want to use superior to trigger the pads.

first off i dont know if i have it connected in my profire correctly nor do i know how :/ and i dont know how to set up a track to receive that information and have superior trigger it :(

hope you guys can help :)
anybody? i need to be able to do this because band dont want to have there drummer not track anything at all :/
Pretty sure you can find out if you read the manuals.

DTX midi out---->2626 midi in (not spdif or WC, wtf dude?)

I don't know logic, but I'm pretty sure you have to create a midi (or instrument) track like you'd do when programming drums then you have to set the input (so the track recieve the midi from the 2626 input) correctly, maybe engage a real time monitoring function of some sort and then you'll probably need to remap superior sounds (using the learn function will be faster).
You may also have to customize the velocity curves in superior so the kit doesn't feel like hitting wood planks.

But seriously RTFM. You sound like you have no idea what you're doing and that's ok but that's why manuals have been created in the first place.
wel i looked through the manual burny but all it said was connect the midi out of the dt to the s/pdif adaptor since it doesnt have a midi in besides that

and ive tried everything you've mentioned above
wel i looked through the manual burny but all it said was connect the midi out of the dt to the s/pdif adaptor
Ok so you're in fact talking about the midi which is a Din connector... If you got that right, that's the way to do it and the problem is somwhere else.
Try to have the DT module on omni channel so you don't have to bother with midi channels.
Ok so you're in fact talking about the midi which is a Din connector... If you got that right, that's the way to do it and the problem is somwhere else.
Try to have the DT module on omni channel so you don't have to bother with midi channels.

you got any idea how i chane the midi channel to omni?

it only gives me a choice between 1-16 in the dt express
actually when plugging in the DT to the profire will i need to do any different routing in my profire setup console before using logic?
actually when plugging in the DT to the profire will i need to do any different routing in my profire setup console before using logic?

But just make sure the 2626 midi I/O is properly recognized in logic. (once again I don't know logic so you have to find how by yourself)

If your DT module have no omni mode, pick the channel you like then set the track in logic on the same channel or omni.
I do a similar thing with mine, the midi out on your drum brain will connect to the midi in on the profire. There is an adapter included with the profire that lets you make the connection.

Once you have done that, all you need to do is add a stereo instrument track in the DAW (I use Pro Tools) and add Superior as the plugin. Should just pick it up right away. I had to map a couple of pads differently but apart from that it's basically plug in and play, I don't even need to set an input for the instrument track, it just recognises the input to be Superior.

Hope this help, I might have misunderstood you problem though.
I do a similar thing with mine, the midi out on your drum brain will connect to the midi in on the profire. There is an adapter included with the profire that lets you make the connection.

Once you have done that, all you need to do is add a stereo instrument track in the DAW (I use Pro Tools) and add Superior as the plugin. Should just pick it up right away. I had to map a couple of pads differently but apart from that it's basically plug in and play, I don't even need to set an input for the instrument track, it just recognises the input to be Superior.

Hope this help, I might have misunderstood you problem though.

Sorted :)