LOL at Korn, allergic to headbanging

Korn's Davis Nearly Dies of Headbanging
After KORN singer JONATHAN DAVIS was forced to pull out of a performance at England's Download Festival -- the band was backed instead by guest vocalists from SLIPKNOT and AVENGED SEVENFOLD -- the frontman revealed that he has been diagnosed with the blood disorder immune thrombocytopenic purpura, which he detected when he noticed bruises all over his body. Doctors have instructed Davis not to perform for several weeks, forcing Korn to cancel their European tour. Davis stated on Korn's Web site, "If I continued to headbang onstage, I could have had a brain hemorrhage and dropped dead on the spot."
A_Hilter said:
what a pussy, I got gassed in WWI and it didn't slow me down any.

Haha, you're wrong here and your background crumbles, A.H actually got some chemical-weapons to him and that's why Germany didn't use those much at WWII. Who knows the real reason, but this is one of the theories.
In 1918 a German corporal by the name of Adolf Hitler was temporarily blinded by a British gas attack in Flanders. Having suffered the agonies of gas first hand, his fear of the weapon would prevent him from deploying it as a tactical weapon on the battlefields of the Second World War.

so mein freund you are only partial correct. I would avoid slurring me in the future or perhaps and accidental invasion might come to pass, lol

next you shall be saying some story of claptrap like I only have one ball or something:cry:
A_Hilter said:
In 1918 a German corporal by the name of Adolf Hitler was temporarily blinded by a British gas attack in Flanders. Having suffered the agonies of gas first hand, his fear of the weapon would prevent him from deploying it as a tactical weapon on the battlefields of the Second World War.

so mein freund you are only partial correct. I would avoid slurring me in the future or perhaps and accidental invasion might come to pass, lol

next you shall be saying some story of claptrap like I only have one ball or something:cry:


Demilich said:
so what would have happened if Hitler experienced racial persecution and got scared off of that?
I did. I had to travel from Austria to Muenchen and the Bavarians were HATEFUL, you have no idea.
Davis stated on Korn's Web site, "If I continued to headbang onstage, I could have had a brain hemorrhage and dropped dead on the spot."

And the problem with this is??????