lol! After all the years of descrimination against metal heads we throw our views on stereotyping out the window and take everything out on our fellow rockers. I'm not particularly taken with the emo subculture.At all. But you won't see me headbutting anyone because of the music they listen to or the way they dress anytime soon.. no wonder some people have a stereotype of metalheads being unintelligent and aggressive..!!
Oh and on a similar note..

ITN - Wednesday, March 12 01:29 pm
A 15-year-old boy helped kick a young woman to death because she was a goth, a court has heard.
The teenager was in a gang of five who were "acting like a pack of wild animals" as they "savagely and mercilessly" attacked Sophie Lancaster, 20, and her boyfriend, Preston Crown Court heard.
Sophie, a gap-year student, had moments earlier begged the gang to stop beating her boyfriend, art student Robert Maltby, 21. The accused had started the violence, with a flying kick to the head of Mr Maltby, the jury was told.
The gang, "encouraging each other and laughing" punched, stamped and jumped on his head until he was unconscious, Michael Shorrock QC, opening the case for the prosecution, told the jury.
Sophie had pleaded with them to stop and tried to pull them away, witnesses to the attack, on August 10 last year, in Stubbylee Park, Bacup, Lancashire, told police.
But as she kneeled down, cradling her boyfriend's head on her lap, calling for help, the accused and another teen, who has already pleaded guilty to murder, turned on her.
The second boy, aged 15, at the time, kicked her in the head, with the accused joining in to kick and stamp on her head.
One witness, a boy, 15, who had tried to stop the violence, told police, "It looked like they were running over and just kicking her in the head, jumping up and down on their head... they were kicking her all over her head."
Mr Shorrock said the gang had turned on the young couple simply because they were Goths or "moshers" - and dressed differently to them.
When paramedics arrived they could not tell what sex Sophie was, such was the severity of injuries to her face. She died in hospital nearly two weeks later.
Mr Maltby survived but has not made a full recovery.
The accused, and four other youths, two aged 17 and one 16, have already pleaded guilty to grievous bodily harm to Mr Maltby.
But the accused denies murder, saying he took no part in the attack on Miss Lancaster.
None of the teenagers involved can be named because of their age.
Oh and on a similar note..

ITN - Wednesday, March 12 01:29 pm
A 15-year-old boy helped kick a young woman to death because she was a goth, a court has heard.
The teenager was in a gang of five who were "acting like a pack of wild animals" as they "savagely and mercilessly" attacked Sophie Lancaster, 20, and her boyfriend, Preston Crown Court heard.
Sophie, a gap-year student, had moments earlier begged the gang to stop beating her boyfriend, art student Robert Maltby, 21. The accused had started the violence, with a flying kick to the head of Mr Maltby, the jury was told.
The gang, "encouraging each other and laughing" punched, stamped and jumped on his head until he was unconscious, Michael Shorrock QC, opening the case for the prosecution, told the jury.
Sophie had pleaded with them to stop and tried to pull them away, witnesses to the attack, on August 10 last year, in Stubbylee Park, Bacup, Lancashire, told police.
But as she kneeled down, cradling her boyfriend's head on her lap, calling for help, the accused and another teen, who has already pleaded guilty to murder, turned on her.
The second boy, aged 15, at the time, kicked her in the head, with the accused joining in to kick and stamp on her head.
One witness, a boy, 15, who had tried to stop the violence, told police, "It looked like they were running over and just kicking her in the head, jumping up and down on their head... they were kicking her all over her head."
Mr Shorrock said the gang had turned on the young couple simply because they were Goths or "moshers" - and dressed differently to them.
When paramedics arrived they could not tell what sex Sophie was, such was the severity of injuries to her face. She died in hospital nearly two weeks later.
Mr Maltby survived but has not made a full recovery.
The accused, and four other youths, two aged 17 and one 16, have already pleaded guilty to grievous bodily harm to Mr Maltby.
But the accused denies murder, saying he took no part in the attack on Miss Lancaster.
None of the teenagers involved can be named because of their age.

what the fuck?:erk:
lol! After all the years of descrimination against metal heads we throw our views on stereotyping out the window and take everything out on our fellow rockers. I'm not particularly taken with the emo subculture.At all. But you won't see me headbutting anyone because of the music they listen to or the way they dress anytime soon.. no wonder some people have a stereotype of metalheads being unintelligent and aggressive..!!

Totally agree.
Yeah really...
Don't like emo kids? Don't talk to them.
Don't like emo music? Don't listen to it.

Really this just promotes metalheads as a bunch of loser ass gorillas, or as a bunch of pussies who hammer fist and beat up girls.
I saw the two videos and I highly doubt now that metalheads were the main comitters. I haven't seen any band shirt, I haven't seen any long hair, I haven't seen metal clothes at all.

All I saw was a bunch of random guys with hawaii shirts.

Plus, most metalheads are either too peaceful, or too lazy, or too fat because of sitting in front of the computer all the time to stick together and bash emos.

All in all, stupid action.
I was there :lol: It was fun btw, I was on vacations with my parents and my uncle and we were watching everything from the van, I would post a video but the quality is very crappy, stupid shitty cellphone.
Emos may look stupid to you lot, but us metalheads look stupid to everyone else.

Long, greasy, scraggly hair, big baggy cargo pants, band shirts with the words Fuck and Cunt on, untidy facial hair, metal chains hanging off your trousers, big black boots, makeup and screaming "rarrrr" as loud as you can down the street with your friends in the middle of summer.

It should be the chavs that we're fighting off, not "emos". When was the last time an emo came up to you, said "oi mate, give us a fag n ur fone or ill fuckin' knife ya, ya cunt"?

Long, greasy, scraggly hair, big baggy cargo pants, band shirts with the words Fuck and Cunt on, untidy facial hair, metal chains hanging off your trousers, big black boots, makeup and screaming "rarrrr" as loud as you can down the street with your friends in the middle of summer.

I'm nothing like that. Enjoy your stereotype!
^ Well it happens to turn out always like that, to other peoples. If a metalhead is good and peaceful guy, most people still think them as the stereotype, which Mitch mentioned. Though that's just what I feel and think.
Really this just promotes metalheads as a bunch of loser ass gorillas, or as a bunch of pussies who hammer fist and beat up girls.

I think that it only promotes MEXICANS as a bunch of loser ass gorillas, or as a bunch of pussies who hammer fist and beat up girls. :lol:

Emos may look stupid to you lot, but us metalheads look stupid to everyone else.

Long, greasy, scraggly hair, big baggy cargo pants, band shirts with the words Fuck and Cunt on, untidy facial hair, metal chains hanging off your trousers, big black boots, makeup and screaming "rarrrr" as loud as you can down the street with your friends in the middle of summer.

It should be the chavs that we're fighting off, not "emos". When was the last time an emo came up to you, said "oi mate, give us a fag n ur fone or ill fuckin' knife ya, ya cunt"?


While I agree, that description is nothing like me :lol: Well just the bolded parts :loco:
I think that it only promotes MEXICANS as a bunch of loser ass gorillas, or as a bunch of pussies who hammer fist and beat up girls. :lol:

Hey don't steretype all of us just for a bunch of pathetic losers with nothing better to do than going in a bunch and hit people.

Every country has assholes like those :rolleyes:

lol! After all the years of descrimination against metal heads we throw our views on stereotyping out the window and take everything out on our fellow rockers. I'm not particularly taken with the emo subculture.At all. But you won't see me headbutting anyone because of the music they listen to or the way they dress anytime soon.. no wonder some people have a stereotype of metalheads being unintelligent and aggressive..!!

Emos may look stupid to you lot, but us metalheads look stupid to everyone else.

Long, greasy, scraggly hair, big baggy cargo pants, band shirts with the words Fuck and Cunt on, untidy facial hair, metal chains hanging off your trousers, big black boots, makeup and screaming "rarrrr" as loud as you can down the street with your friends in the middle of summer.

It should be the chavs that we're fighting off, not "emos". When was the last time an emo came up to you, said "oi mate, give us a fag n ur fone or ill fuckin' knife ya, ya cunt"?


I'm nothing like that. Enjoy your stereotype!

Hey don't steretype all of us just for a bunch of pathetic losers with nothing better to do than going in a bunch and hit people.

Every country has assholes like those :rolleyes:

Ok... wtf?
Might just be me thinking this, but what the fuck is the point of beating up random people? Emo's, neds, metalheads, goths, or whatever? Like it would be funny if someone you don't know would kick the shit out of you just because you dress the way you like.

This world is full of stupid fucks.