London gig - who's going?

Then I'll cry with my mascara on (my tears are black). Sorry, carried away with ye olde Firewind quotes!

OOOH, and since you are a Londoner - do you know anywhere cheap we can stay the night in London? Like a hotel or a hostel or something? My friend has let us down >.<

xx Kirsty
Went to buy my concert ticket today at the Carling Islington box office proudly wearing my Firewind t-shirt. It looks great. Got a few people staring and was stopped by one charity guy asking me whether they were a band. When I said yes he was a bit stunned like he had never heard of them and was expecting it to be something else, like my Native American Indian name (it does sound like that and when I wear my bandana it definitely feels like it.) We chatted a bit about Metal in general and he said he was gonna check out Firewind. Seems like a good day to me.
MY GOD. It is so surreal that tomorrow at this time I'll be in London...possibly seeing Firewind!

I want to go to London Zoo. I want to do stuff during the day! Reccomendations forgottenglory? Preferably some cheap or free stuff since the boyfriend is a bit skint!

xx Kirsty
I think you've got to pay for the London Zoo...but Camden Town has got it's fair share of colourful characters. If you want a bit of art The National Galleries in Leicester Square would be a good place to go as it free and home to tons of incredible artwork. If you wanna rock n' roll there is the Hard Rock Cafe guided tour of their museum (I got to hold and take pictures with Jimi Hendrix, Steve Vai and Joe Satriani's guitars) in Green Park.

If you tell me what you want to see I might be able to guide you more...btw at what time will you guys be at the venue?
MY GOD. It is so surreal that tomorrow at this time I'll be in London...possibly seeing Firewind!

I want to go to London Zoo. I want to do stuff during the day! Reccomendations forgottenglory? Preferably some cheap or free stuff since the boyfriend is a bit skint!

xx Kirsty

I think there's a solution to that. And it's just one word.


Yeah, that sounds about right. Dontcha think? :p
Good point. Considering the trip that Kirsty will be doing, some sleep can really help. Cos when she'll reach Milan, Ahlaaaaaan will also be here and it will be a weekend of Italian debauchery mwaha.
Seriously. It will be. It'll be like my first proper weekend off work in like 6 months.

I'm going to get totalled. Where are we actually going when we get to Milan. Well since Alan gets there first he would probably be the best guy to inform :p

We'll probably see some stuff in the morning, check in, sleep til about 5pm, get ready and head to the venue. What time do doors open? We'll probably just queue outside from 7am. LOL. Nah. We'll be at the venue for about 6.30pm. Unless doors open earlier.

xx Kirsty
I bet you when you'll come back to Glasgow, you'll sleep for 2 days straight... That's what I did at least.