London(ish) show in September

Russell said:
Kingston? What a pain in the arse to get to :loco:

Mmm... not to mention "to get away from".

OR "to get back to pick up a drummer who was accidentally forgotten into kebab restaurant, and who tried to get a taxi and couldn't and when finally succeeded, the taxi dropped him off somewhere over the rainbow" Hahahah. :kickass:Matti :kickass:
Yeah apart from the obvious difficulty in transporting myself there and back I really want to get to this gig.....especially as I think I can't make any others :waah: .
Guess I had better start inquiring with National rail and stuff.

So is anyone from here making an appearance there>?
.................apart from Lee of course ;)
yay! If promises and forum posts elsewhere are anything to go by the turnout should be fairly healthy.

It'd be hideous to play the first ever show in front of about 3 people, but then there's also the added pressure of trying not to play a hideous show with a full house! Hugo is away until the day before the show (he's in Germany working as a tutor to Count von Bizmark's children. No joke!) and I still haven't got my head around the 8 bars before the solo of the cover version we're doing :)
Lee_B said:
yay! If promises and forum posts elsewhere are anything to go by the turnout should be fairly healthy.

It'd be hideous to play the first ever show in front of about 3 people, but then there's also the added pressure of trying not to play a hideous show with a full house! Hugo is away until the day before the show (he's in Germany working as a tutor to Count von Bizmark's children. No joke!) and I still haven't got my head around the 8 bars before the solo of the cover version we're doing :)

dont feel bad, we dont rehearse ever. not until a couple days before our tour will we get to.
veil the sky said:
i'll see you there. where you going from?

Cool. What's your name?
I shall be in a To-Mera top so shall be "easy" to spot :lol: .
I'm going from Birmingham and then eventually from London Waterloo station.
Hopefully I shall make it back also haha. It's a mission but I need to be there, even though my mates haven't the sense the cancel their plans/get the money for it to join me.
You can see what I sort of look like in the greetings earthlings thread. Although I'm not as "alien" as most would suspect...
