London show

Rudy said:
I came from Belgium to see the London show. It was the best Anthrax show EVER !

I can only count the days until the Thrax' boys come over to the United States and kick ass! Motorhead has a lot of ass to kick following Anthrax! Then, I'll be able to post show reports and brag about how sore my body is! THEY ARE COMING FOR THE UNITED STATES, LEAVING EUROPE IN RUINS! HELL YEAH!
yeah man the london show was brutal, the crowd were insane in the i loved this tour, can't wait till the summer...when they said they'll be back........feckin hope so...

anthrax rule all
Ahhh, Friday. Great night. Over Saturday & Sunday I had a neck so sore I could hardly dip my head to read a book, and calves so sore I could hardly keep my foot hovering over the accelerator when driving! Brilliant night. Really enjoyed meself. Just like being 17 again! Only criticism - why play Bring The Noise instead of a bona fide 'Thrax track? Makes no sense to me. Particulalry when they played I'm The Man straight after. Makes two rap tracks in a row. I would have thought 99.9% of the crowd would have enjoyed a Catharsis/Be All End All/King Size (insert excellent Thrax title here) infinitely more. Still, can't wait to see 'em again. STILL got a big grin on my face.See you again in the summer, fellas!
yeah man that place went fuckin insane during bring tha noise !! absolutely insane....

never gonna please everyone with track hoices, but shit they played soooooo well, think the astoria holds about 3000 actually, cos that upstairs bit holds hit loads on its own, yeah i am sure its 3, cos brixton is 5 :) but yeah sold out too

roll on the summer, they better not be talking aboutthe damn download festival tho........
well now, when i saw thrax in bradford and bristol, john said both times aboutthe fact they wanted to play download but were told they they were not relevant anymore and wouldn't get booked, like you i thought that was the biggest piss take ever

BUT, by london he wasn't saying it about download anym,ore, just "some people" instead.....i also heard rumours they wer talking again to dwnload

so who knows....... i still doubt clear channel will cook em, cos that group have proven with ozzfest they are clueless fucks, out for a quick buck.......

you hear most ozzfest bands are again paying to play again this year, fuck that.....

so yeah, hopefully then its another fully full on anthrax tour this summer, who needs download anyway, 90 quid for that crap is a joke......
I no I would much rather see anthrax do another european/uk tour than do download or ozzfest
sharon only cares about the dollar which is a shame cause you got bands like anthrax biohazard who do this cause they love what they do the main stage is money/mtv bands ie korn
Anthrax are bound to be over here regularly nuclear blast is in europe so were bound to get a fair share of anthrax :) more of them the better i say