Long time no post! Did a 2 minute song in 30 minutes :D

Sep 20, 2009
Helsinki Finland

Soooo i just decided that as i've been writing so much of "complex" stuff with my band, i decided to give my self some "do what the fuck ever gets on your head in 30minutes" and this oldschool kind of song just popped out!

Basically every riff has been recorded with the first idea that came up, so don't expect anything sparkling progressive supersweet stuff, just a bit of fun and games! Questions, feedback anything, go!

Oh yeah, and i challenge you guys to the same shit, it's fun! :guh:
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Haha yeah it really is! But being a progressive wanker as i am it's actually quite hard to throw yourself in and not try to judge the mix and the sound and all. Very therapeutic also! I promised myself to do this more oftenly! :D
You should DEFINETLY try it!