Any of you fine chaps pick up this disc? Before an hour ago I had never heard of this band. They must have been hiding behind the parapet of trad doom mediocrity that lines our royal halls. Nevertheless, one is never too late to the party when it comes to good music. The samples on their myspace page are the perfect garnish to the styles of music I have been feasting on as of late.
J. I reckon you would enjoy these lads.
And now for a review from a website that does not deserve to be credited.
"A Treacherous Ascension" is the second album of this combo from Canada. I hope that you like Doom, and really slow one because Longing For Dawn plays Funeral Doom, a really interesting music which is unfortunately not so easy of access for the basic listeners. However, the accessibility of this music is a matter of quality too, and here we have quality so if you're looking for a music extremely dark, sad and deep, but all in all well done, I will recommend to you to check this album as soon as possible.
Dark and tortured Death vocals and loud really slow heavy riffs are the two main ingredients of the recipe of the new album of Longing For Dawn. But even if we're in front of a pure sad and dark music, one cannot say that we don't have great melodies in this release. After all, Longing For Dawn plays a good old Funeral Doom, probably the slowest and darker music of the whole Metal scene, but the Canadians found the way to write four songs of great quality, with intelligent lyrics and melodies.
With "A Treacherous Ascension", it's not only a matter of music, of course the music is cool, even if on a side it's a bit simple (it's not pejorative here) but it's also a matter of ambiances. Really, the band wrote an album which will be really disturbing for you, even if you use to listen to this kind of music. Extremely dark and frozen, the songs will maybe not be so easy of access for you but they will probably be able to give you shivers, we have emotions in this music and it's incredible to see how a band can write something so scary and disturbing but also so beautiful. It's top notch Doom, maybe not the best release of Funeral Doom of the decade but for sure, "A Treacherous Ascension" is one of the best album in the style that we had the luck to see lately.
I know I know, "A Treacherous Ascension" is not an album for all the metalheads, but if you like to listen to great Doom, I will ask you to have a look on this release. Really, the guys of Longing For Down managed to write a great album and they confirm all the good words that they got for the previous one. Have a look on this release and remember this name please, Longing For Dawn should become soon one of the leaders of the genre.
J. I reckon you would enjoy these lads.
And now for a review from a website that does not deserve to be credited.
"A Treacherous Ascension" is the second album of this combo from Canada. I hope that you like Doom, and really slow one because Longing For Dawn plays Funeral Doom, a really interesting music which is unfortunately not so easy of access for the basic listeners. However, the accessibility of this music is a matter of quality too, and here we have quality so if you're looking for a music extremely dark, sad and deep, but all in all well done, I will recommend to you to check this album as soon as possible.
Dark and tortured Death vocals and loud really slow heavy riffs are the two main ingredients of the recipe of the new album of Longing For Dawn. But even if we're in front of a pure sad and dark music, one cannot say that we don't have great melodies in this release. After all, Longing For Dawn plays a good old Funeral Doom, probably the slowest and darker music of the whole Metal scene, but the Canadians found the way to write four songs of great quality, with intelligent lyrics and melodies.
With "A Treacherous Ascension", it's not only a matter of music, of course the music is cool, even if on a side it's a bit simple (it's not pejorative here) but it's also a matter of ambiances. Really, the band wrote an album which will be really disturbing for you, even if you use to listen to this kind of music. Extremely dark and frozen, the songs will maybe not be so easy of access for you but they will probably be able to give you shivers, we have emotions in this music and it's incredible to see how a band can write something so scary and disturbing but also so beautiful. It's top notch Doom, maybe not the best release of Funeral Doom of the decade but for sure, "A Treacherous Ascension" is one of the best album in the style that we had the luck to see lately.
I know I know, "A Treacherous Ascension" is not an album for all the metalheads, but if you like to listen to great Doom, I will ask you to have a look on this release. Really, the guys of Longing For Down managed to write a great album and they confirm all the good words that they got for the previous one. Have a look on this release and remember this name please, Longing For Dawn should become soon one of the leaders of the genre.